[erlang-questions] Coming Back (maybe improving lists:reverse/1)
Ivan Carmenates Garcia
Fri Oct 9 05:40:28 CEST 2015
Well seems to me that there is no more optimizations for the algorithm
(except for yours 'my_reverse_join' see below), I tested yours and mine and
they both take exactly the same for the final result the unparsed "string",
well mine is 200 millisecond faster in 1 million of iterations, yours take
64XX main 62XX approx. The problem is that using lists:flatten is the hell
slow, I also tested your algorithm just after the io lists return and it is
very faster its took 14XX milliseconds, so when you use the final
lists:flatten/1 everything goes to crap, sorry about the word. So it is
amazing who faster it is and then lists:flatten by its own take the another
5 seconds, I did knew that because I read Erlang session about 7 myths off
bla bla .. and optimizations stuffs some time ago and they say lists:flatten
is slow also I tested it when I was constructing the algorithm first time I
did avoid constructing the io lists because of that.
I did clear some things like unparse well I need another name I don't like
unparse either and parse is wrong, I will come up with something.
Also I do have something to thank you, your reverse 'my_reverse_join' little
algorithm is a crack, It sped up mine in almost one second. So no need to
use lists:reverse/1 and string:join/2, thanks for that, now it takes 54XX
instead of 62XX.
I also have questions for you if you are so kind to answer.
Regards proplists, well, it is necessary to make lists of options as
proplists? yes, proplists:compact/1 and expand/1 for [a] to [{a, true}] and
all those stuffs but what I was trying to do is to make it simple for the
user, because more tuples are more complicate to write in the case of
{users, name, alias} well that could be right adding more brackets like
{users, {name, alias}} because it organizes the thing. But i.e.: I have
another algorithm for match specs in which I can do {name | {table, name} |
value, op, name | {table, name} | value } also [{..., op, ...}, ...],
logic_op, ... so it will be easy for the user to build something like
[{id, '==', 1}, {age, '==', 31}],
{username, '==', "john"}
And not something like
{ [{id, '==', 1}, {age, '==', 31}], 'or', {username, '==', "john"} }
It was also more easy to build the algorithm for me without the tuples for
the logic operator and I also validate it easy if other term is missing by
checking if there is a logic_op with an empty Rest in the list to unparse.
Kindly regards,
Ivan (son of Gilberio).
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard A. O'Keefe [mailto:ok@REDACTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 8, 2015 10:17 PM
To: Ivan Carmenates Garcia
Cc: Erlang Questions Mailing List
Subject: Re: [erlang-questions] Coming Back (maybe improving
On 8/10/2015, at 1:20 pm, Ivan Carmenates Garcia <co7eb@REDACTED> wrote:
> For example this is one of the algorithms, I optimize it as well as I
Start by optimising the documentation.
> Considering here that the order of the fields is very important!.
> %% -------------------------------------------------------------------
> %% @private
> %% @doc
> %% Parses the specified list of full fields into a string containing
> %% all full fields separated my comma.
> %% example:
> %% <pre>
> %% parse_full_fields([{users, '*'}, name, {roles, [id, level]},
> %% {users, name, alias}], fun get_postgres_operator/2) ->
> %% {"users.'*',name,roles.id,roles.level,users.name AS alias",
> %% [users, roles]}.
> %% </pre>
> %% Returns `{[], []}' if called with `[]'.
> %% @throws {error, invalid_return_fields_spec, InvalidForm :: any()}
> %% @end %%
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
Parsing turns a string into structure.
Turning structure into a string is the OPPOSITE of parsing.
You are not parsing but UNparsing.
> -spec parse_return_full_fields(FullFieldsSpecs, Separator, OperatorFinder)
-> Str when
> FullFieldsSpecs :: proplists:proplist(),
> Separator :: string(),
> OperatorFinder :: fun(),
> Str :: string().
This is seriously confusing.
The thing about a proplist, as we've recently discussed in this list, is
that it contains
- atoms, where 'x' is equivalent to {'x',true}
- pairs {Key, Value}
- junk, which is completely ignored.
While I don't fully understand your example, it's clear
that name is NOT equivalent to {name,true} and
that {users, name, alias} is NOT ignored as junk.
So whatever you have, it certainly isn't a proplist.
Finally, your -spec describes a function with three arguments, but the
example in your comment has only two arguments.
It looks like you are mapping
'atom' -> "atom"
{'table', 'field'} -> "table.field"
{'table', ['f1',...,'fn']} -> "table.f1" ... "table.fn"
{'table', 'field', 'alias'} -> "table.field AS alias"
It would seem more logical to have
field() = atom() | {atom(),atom()}. % {name,alias}
fields() = field() | list(field()).
slot() = atom() | {atom(),fields()}. % {table,fields} so that it's
obvious how to put an alias inside a list of fields.
unparse_return_full_fields(Slots) ->
{lists:flatten(unparse_slots(Slots)), tables(Slots)}.
tables([{Table,_}|Slots]) ->
Tables = tables(Slots),
case lists:member(Table, Tables)
of true -> Tables
; false -> [Table|Tables]
when is_atom(Name) ->
tables([]) ->
unparse_slots([Slot|Slots]) ->
[ unparse_slot(Slot)
| unparse_remaining_slots(Slots) ].
unparse_remaining_slots([]) ->
unparse_remaining_slots(Slots) ->
["," | unparse_slots(Slots)].
unparse_slot({Table,Fields}) ->
unparse_fields(Fields, atom_to_list(Table));
when is_atom(Name) ->
unparse_fields([Field|Fields], Table) ->
[ unparse_fields(Field, Table)
| unparse_remaining_fields(Fields, Table) ];
unparse_fields({Name,Alias}, Table) ->
[Table, ".", atom_to_list(Name), " AS ", atom_to_list(Alias)];
unparse_fields(Name, Table)
when is_atom(Name) ->
[Table, ".", atom_to_list(Name)].
unparse_remaining_fields([], _) ->
unparse_remaining_fields(Fields, Table) ->
["," | unparse_fields(Fields, Table)].
With that definition, we get
1> c(goo).
2> goo:unparse_slots([{users, '*'}, name, {roles, [id, level]},
{users, {name, alias}}]). %% Note difference here.[["users",".","*"],
["users",".","name"," AS ","alias"]]
This is a tree of strings, not a string. But for many purposes, it's just
as good. (It's called an iolist.) Flattening it gives
"users.*,name,roles.id,roles.level,users.name AS alias"
3> goo:unparse_return_full_fields([{users, '*'}, name, {roles, [id, level]},
{users, {name, alias}}]).
{"users.*,name,roles.id,roles.level,users.name AS alias", [roles,users]}
You will note that the functions above don't have any use for reversing a
list. And I must repeat that for many purposes, such as sending text to
another OS process, there isn't any *need* to flatten the tree of strings.
Even in your code,
> parse_return_full_fields(FullFieldsSpecs, Separator, OperatorFinder) ->
> {ParsedFields, TableNames} =
> parse_full_fields2(FullFieldsSpecs, [], [], OperatorFinder),
> {string:join(lists:reverse(ParsedFields), Separator), TableNames}.
there isn't actually any need to do this:
my_reverse_join([X|Xs], Sep) ->
my_reverse_join(Xs, X, Sep);
my_reverse_join([], _) ->
my_reverse_join([], Acc, _) ->
my_reverse_join([Y|Ys], Acc, Sep) ->
my_reverse_join(Ys, Y++Sep++Acc, Sep).
9> goo:my_reverse_join(["harry","deacon","thom","avery"]).
We see two ideas here which are likely to be applicable to your code in
(1) It may be possible to *eliminate* a call to lists:reverse/1
by fusing it with the function the result is being passed to.
(2) It may be possible to *eliminate* appends (++) by constructing
an iolist (a tree of strings) instead of a string. For example,
io:put_chars/2 wants a unicode:chardata().
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