[erlang-questions] trying to make official docker images for erlang
Marlus Saraiva
Thu Oct 1 15:45:34 CEST 2015
Hi derek,
I'm the maintainer of both, the erlang packages at
and the docker images you've mentioned at https://hub.docker.com/u/msaraiva/
Having minimal containers is something that I take seriously and I think it
makes the whole docker experience much more pleasant. The only reason I
wouldn't recommend using Alpine Linux for the official image is that
there's no "official" support from the OTP team. As far as I know, they
don't build/test Erlang/OTP on any Linux distribution based on musl libc
and I have no idea if they have any interest in doing that. So, since the
official image is intended to reach a broader audience, I guess you'd
better stick with the larger images.
In case you need more info about Erlang for Alpine Linux, take a look at:
It also contains information about building Erlang/OTP against musl libc.
So, if you want to give it a try,
you can easily create an image containing a full Erlang/OTP of any version
and with as many erlang libs as you want.
Marlus Saraiva
2015-09-30 0:42 GMT-03:00 derek <denc716@REDACTED>:
> Hi to Erlang users,
> this is effort trying to make official docker images for erlang otp
> community, please comment if you like to run it with docker:
> https://github.com/docker-library/official-images/pull/1075
> Nowadays, docker is the popular way to run many applications, have a
> look on docker hub, many popular programming languages and
> applications have an official image there, beginners can easily pull a
> docker image to start playing without hassling their host Linux,
> https://hub.docker.com/_/python/
> https://hub.docker.com/_/golang/
> https://hub.docker.com/_/ruby/
> ...
> But there is no official one for erlang yet, let's try to make it happen,
> https://hub.docker.com/_/erlang/
> I have researched some existing effort like these, looks like many
> ones are already on this way just haven't communicated thru
> @erlang.org yet
> - https://hub.docker.com/r/correl/erlang/
> this might be the earliest currently have the most stars by `docker
> search erlang`, provided erlang-otp-17.5 and rebar and relx in a
> single image, and compiling each one from source code, I haven't tried
> it, but presumably would be close to 1GB image;
> - https://hub.docker.com/r/unbalancedparentheses/erlang
> this one support all versions of erlang R6B-0, R7, R8, ... R16, up to
> 17.4
> from
> https://github.com/unbalancedparentheses/docker-erlang/blob/master/17.4/install.sh
> it also provided erlang & rebar & relx all compiled from source code
> - https://hub.docker.com/r/msaraiva/erlang/
> this one is providing erlang-17.5 and 18, on top of Alpine Linux
> docker image, it's very slim, as small as 16.78 MB, while erlang lib
> is broken into very small packages, like most OS distro does, broken
> into erlang-compiler, erlang-dialyzer, erlang-otp, erlang-snmp, and
> etc. its base erlang:18 image has 5 packages under
> /usr/lib/erlang/lib/... (compared a full erlang-otp has 52 lib
> packages)
> http://dl-4.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/main/x86_64/ (search erlang)
> this one also provided elixir images in different Dockerfile,
> presumably also slim
> - https://hub.docker.com/r/voidlock/erlang
> is very similar to my way, support erlang R16 thru 18.1; I would
> not start my project if I know this earlier, but it installed
> update-locale for UTF-8 I'm not sure for what, is that required by
> erlang runtime ?
> - https://github.com/synctree/docker-erlang/blob/master/R17/Dockerfile
> this one installs erlang solutions precompiled deb on top of
> debian:8 (or debian:jessie) image.
> $ docker search erlang
> correl/erlang Erlang/OTP for Docker
> 14 [OK]
> ...
> While I just started from scratch, before above PR to official images
> got merged, you can try it with cloning this repo, and build images
> locally,
> https://github.com/c0b/docker-erlang-otp
> So there are two ways to make images:
> 1) build from source code, from standard debian:8 image, start with
> apt-get install build-essential and gcc and some lib...-dev and
> download erlang-otp source code and build, this usually ends up with a
> fat image, close to 1GB;
> 2) install from some binary erlang packages, like the one from
> erlang-solutions, could end up with smaller image; packages from most
> OS distributions also provided erlang but relatively not up to date
> like debian https://packages.debian.org/source/sid/erlang fedora
> centos similar
> Here from my repo I mainted one each for latest 4 erlang releases,
> (R15, R16, 17, 18), each with different variant, following the best
> practices from docker official images guideline, should end up with
> full feature while relatively slim images:
> https://github.com/docker-library/official-images
> 1. the standard variant erlang:18, erlang:17, erlang:R16, erlang:R15
> builds from source code, on top of
> https://hub.docker.com/_/buildpack-deps/ :jessie, it covered gcc
> compiler and some popular -dev packages, for port driver written in C;
> while it doesn't have java compiler so out of the standard erlang-otp
> provided 52 packages under /usr/lib/erlang/lib/... from this one odbc
> / jinterface / wxwidgets won't work, I assume to run GUI programs in
> docker is not popular, so here we can save space; jinterface is
> similar, the java dependencies are too fat, I assume demand is low;
> 2. the -onbuild variant for each erlang version, to utilize ONBUILD
> instruction from Dockerfile, those are for starters
> 3. -esl variant is to pull erlang-solutions deb package to install on
> top of debian:jessie, results in relatively slim image, but I am
> trying to avoid wxwidgets / jinterface dependencies, reasons same as
> above.
> All these images are almost full featured Erlang-OTP images (except
> wxwidgets & jinterface), you can run it like this once build locally
> (or pull over docker hub if above PR can be merged),
> $ docker run -it --rm erlang:18.1
> Erlang/OTP 18 [erts-7.1] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8]
> [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]
> Eshell V7.1 (abort with ^G)
> 1> uptime(). # the new
> uptime() shell command since OTP 18
> 3 seconds
> ok
> 2> application:which_applications().
> [{stdlib,"ERTS CXC 138 10","2.6"},
> {kernel,"ERTS CXC 138 10","4.1"}]
> 3>
> User switch command
> --> q
> root@REDACTED:/# ls /usr/local/lib/erlang/lib/
> asn1-4.0 cosProperty-1.2 edoc-0.7.17 gs-1.6 observer-2.1
> public_key-1.0.1 stdlib-2.6 xmerl-1.3.8 common_test-1.11
> cosTime-1.2 eldap-1.2 hipe-3.13 orber-3.8 reltool-0.7
> syntax_tools-1.7 compiler-6.0.1 cosTransactions-1.3
> erl_docgen-0.4 ic-4.4 os_mon-2.4 runtime_tools-1.9.1
> test_server-3.9 cosEvent-2.2 crypto-3.6.1 erl_interface-3.8
> inets-6.0.1 ose-1.1 sasl-2.6 tools-2.8.1 cosEventDomain-1.2
> debugger-4.1.1 erts-7.1 kernel-4.1 otp_mibs-1.1 snmp-5.2
> typer-0.9.9 cosFileTransfer-1.2 dialyzer-2.8.1 et-1.5.1
> megaco-3.18 parsetools-2.1 ssh-4.1 webtool-0.9 cosNotification-1.2
> diameter-1.11 eunit-2.2.11 mnesia-4.13.1 percept-0.8.11
> ssl-7.1 wx-1.5
> root@REDACTED:/# ls /usr/local/lib/erlang/lib/ | wc -l
> 50
> Size:
> $ docker images |grep ^erlang
> erlang 18.1-esl 138c797adec7 5 days ago
> 286.9 MB
> erlang 18.1 27ad0fc44644 5 days ago
> 741.5 MB
> erlang R16B03-1 e0deec5e1e72 6 days ago
> 740.2 MB
> erlang 18.0.3 52d4a7a4a281 6 days ago
> 743.7 MB
> Comments are welcome.
> Thanks,
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