[erlang-questions] ** exception error: no function clause matching test_calculate:validate(["1", "+", "1"], []) (test_calculate.erl, line 11)
Roelof Wobben
Thu Oct 1 08:15:21 CEST 2015
Op 1-10-2015 om 05:42 schreef Richard A. O'Keefe:
> On 1/10/2015, at 4:42 am, Roelof Wobben <r.wobben@REDACTED> wrote:
>> -module(test_calculate).
>> -export([validate/1]).
>> scan(String) ->
>> validate(string:tokens(String, " ")).
> I'm going to use an entirely informal type notation here.
> I am doing this to emphasise that you not only do not need
> to understand a language's type checker, there doesn't even
> need to BE a type checker for the language for YOU to check
> that the types make sense.
> string:tokens(Source :: <string>, Separator :: <string>) :: <string> list.
> You can verify this by calling string:tokens/2 in the Erlang shell.
> 1> string:tokens("1 + 1", " ").
> ["1","+","1"]
> You pass the result of string:tokens/2 to validate/1, so we must have
> scan(Source :: <string>) :: SOMETHING.
> validate(Tokens :: <string> list) :: SOMETHING.
> That is, scan/1 returns whatever validate/1 returns,
> and validate/1 is given a LIST OF STRINGS as its argument.
>> validate(String) ->
>> validate(String, []).
> Right here alarm bells go off. We know from the call
> that the argument is not a string. It is a LIST of strings.
> But the argument *NAME* says 'String'.
> validate([Head | Tail], Validated_list) when Head >= $0 , Head =< $9 ->
>> validate(Tail, [Head | Validated_list]);
> Here you are comparing an element of validate's argument
> as if you are expecting a character. But Head is a STRING.
> It is also a concern to me that you do not have any comment
> saying what it *means* for a list of strings to be valid.
> 2> c(test_calculate).
> test_calculate.erl:4: Warning: function scan/1 is unused
> test_calculate.erl:19: Warning: function test/0 is unused
> {ok,test_calculate}
> It looks as though you forgot to -export([test/0]).
>> validate([Head | Tail], Validated_list) when Head =:= $+ ->
>> validate(Tail, [Head | Validated_list]);
>> validate([], Validated_list) ->
>> Validated_list.
>> test() ->
>> ["1","+","1"] = scan("1 + 1"),
>> ["10", "+", "1"] = scan("10 + 1"),
>> ["1", "+", "10"] = scan("1 + 10"),
>> io:format("All tests are green ~n").
>> but as soon as I try :
>> test_calculate:validate(["1","+", "1"])
>> I see the above error
>> Someone a tip where things are going the wrong way ?
> The error message is pretty explicit.
> You have a call
> validate(["1","+","1"], []).
> No clause matches that call.
> You expected that some clause *would* match it.
> So what you do is compare each clause in turn with
> the call to see why *that* clause did not match.
> The first clause looks for a CHARACTER between
> $0 and $9 but it finds the STRING "1".
> 4> {"1" >= $0, "1" =< $9}.
> {true,false}
> So that clause does not match.
> The second clause looks for the CHARACTER $+
> but it finds the STRING "1".
> So that clause doesn't match.
> The last clause looks for the empty list,
> but it finds a list of three strings.
> So that clause doesn't match.
> And we've found out what looking at scan/1 and
> validate/1 told us straight away, that you are
> muddling up strings and characters.
> So let's fix that.
> -module(test_calculate).
> -export([test/0, validate/1]).
> scan(String) ->
> Tokens = string:tokens(String, " "),
> case validate(Tokens)
> of ok -> {ok,Tokens}
> ; Err -> Err
> end.
> %% A Token_List is valid if and only if it contains
> %% number tokens and operator tokens, where a number
> %% token is a non-empty string of digits and currently
> %% an operator token is just "+". We either report
> %% 'ok' for a valid list or {error,Reason,Culprit} for invalid.
> validate([]) ->
> ok;
> validate(["+"|Tokens]) ->
> validate(Tokens);
> validate([Num|Tokens]) ->
> case is_number_token(Num, 0)
> of true -> validate(Tokens)
> ; false -> {error,"not a number or operator",Num}
> end;
> validate(Other) ->
> {error,"not a list",Other}.
> %% is_number_token(String, N) is true if and only if
> %% String is a list of ASCII decimal digit characters
> %% and N + length(String) > 0.
> is_number_token([], N) ->
> N > 0;
> is_number_token([C|Cs], N)
> when C =< $9, C >= $0 ->
> is_number_token(Cs, N+1);
> is_number_token(_, _) ->
> false.
> test() ->
> {ok,["1","+","1"] } = scan("1 + 1"),
> {ok,["10", "+", "1"]} = scan("10 + 1"),
> {ok,["1", "+", "10"]} = scan("1 + 10"),
> io:format("All tests are green ~n").
> The single most important step in getting that right was
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Thanks for the lesson.
One thing is not clear to me. What is the meaning of N. I see that N is
equal to zero or to one.
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