[erlang-questions] Cannot allocate heap - who is the culprit?

Steven mailparmalat@REDACTED
Tue Mar 31 08:39:41 CEST 2015

Thanks, that makes sense


On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 4:50 AM, Scott Lystig Fritchie <
fritchie@REDACTED> wrote:

> Steven <mailparmalat@REDACTED> wrote:
> s> Hi all, If a crashdump is produced and indicates that it cannot
> s> allocate XXXXXXXX bytes of type heap memory (or old heap), is there a
> s> way to find out, from the crashdump file, which process is trying to
> s> request memory?
> When looking at the 'erl_crash.dump' file (as plain text or in the
> Crashdump Viewer application), it's almost always the process that's in
> the 'Garbing' state, namely it's in the middle of a garbage collection
> (GC) operation.
> -Scott
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