[erlang-questions] Learning from Open Source projects?

Harit Himanshu harit.subscriptions@REDACTED
Thu Mar 26 15:45:30 CET 2015

very interesting points. Thank you very much
+ Harit Himanshu

On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 5:41 AM, Jesper Louis Andersen <
jesper.louis.andersen@REDACTED> wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 7:45 AM, Leandro Ostera <me@REDACTED> wrote:
>> What I did was start a project that I'd already know how
>> to build with another set of technologies (think RESTlike
>> API on Express/Rails/Flask) and then look for a way to
>> build it with Erlang. Think "backend for To-do app" in Erlang.
> I agree with this. When learning a new technology, try to retain as much
> knowledge you have from other technologies, so you don't need a grand leap
> of faith or a hail-mary pass.
> Erlang often challenges newcomers in several ways:
> * functional programming in a mostly-pure environment
> * distributed computing
> * concurrency
> * error handling through asynchronous monitors/links
> * language syntax and semantics
> * how to build large erlang systems: module composition, releases,
> configuration, deployment
> * how to test Erlang programs which have the above
> distribution/concurrency traits
> * learning the performance model of Erlang: what is fast, what is slow
> * all of the OTP stack, its idioms, design choices and how it influences
> program architecture
> If most of these are new to you, then you don't want to throw in a
> complicated problem you don't know as well. At least not until you have
> some proficiency in the above.
> --
> J.
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