[erlang-questions] Including other peoples code in my code in a future proof way
Boris Mühmer
Tue Mar 17 15:08:13 CET 2015
Hi Joe,
about Your "how should I fix this" section there may be a way, when You
already use git are "submodules".
With such a submodule You can include a git repository and it will be fixed
at a given commit.
But there is another problem with other's (git-) repositories: what will
happen when the project dies, or is moved to another "namespace". Of course
You can use a fork and use this as a base for a submodule, but with this
approach You may have to keep Your fork in sync with the original one.
[IMHO] On the other hand the "git submodule usage" is somewhat
2015-03-17 14:53 GMT+01:00 Joe Armstrong <erlang@REDACTED>:
> How do I include another application in my application?
> I've written a program that I want to distibute.
> I'll make it available on github.
> The problem is that my program uses cowboy and a few other
> things (which are also on github)
> I'd like my program to work "out of the box" - just type Make and off
> you go.
> I'd also like my to work for a long time so if rebar and
> cowboy change in the future I'd like my program to still build
> correctly.
> Now what I could do is:
> use rebar and a rebar.config file that point to cowboy etc.
> My rebar-config is like this
> {deps, [
> ...
> {cowboy, ".*", {git, "git://github.com/extend/cowboy.git", "master"}}
> ]}.
> The problem with this is that
> 1) my version of rebar might not be the same as on the target machine
> where the makefile is run
> 2) The cowboy reference is to "the latest version" and not
> an immutable version that I know works
> So How should I fix this? Is the answer:
> a) Include rebar in my distribution
> (I don't really like this, since I'd just like to have my code in
> my project archive)
> b) Point to a absolute version of cowboy - but how do I do this?
> Or c)
> Include all the source code of cowboy etc in my release
> I also don't want mutiple versions of rebar and libraries in different
> directories, branches, views or whatever you call them.
> What's the best thing to do here?
> Cheers
> /Joe
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