[erlang-questions] Announcing Erlang.org Code of Conduct

Benoit Chesneau bchesneau@REDACTED
Sat Mar 14 15:01:28 CET 2015

On Sat, Mar 14, 2015 at 2:49 PM, Peter Hickman <
peterhickman386@REDACTED> wrote:

> Well I have to thank you for proving my points with your post. To me
> quoting an entire post just to respond to the final line seems to fall into
> the "too much" quoting category but as we have nothing but a subjective
> measure for this who is to say that it is. Also the single line that you
> entered is 293 characters long, a sin that I am also guilty of but then I
> am actually against these petty rules.
> Then quoting that post without adding anything at all - let alone useful -
> is hardly conscientious.​
> (Takes out his secret policeman's notebook and writes "Benoit Chesneau
> quotes excessively")
> I will take your opinion on these things more seriously if you would
> actually follow the rules yourself.
I just live with my time and took the mua i had under the hand, ie. inbox
on my tablet. I didn't do anything but answering to a mail.  If your MUA is
not capable to split a line correctly then I can't help you. Even that poor
gmail is able to do it. Either mutt that I am using from time to time.

One sure thing is that i am not counting the number of characters in a
paragraph to split it in 74 chars. I am a human after all.

- benoit.
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