[erlang-questions] Where can I get the list of Erlang bug?

Michael Truog mjtruog@REDACTED
Wed Mar 11 23:17:03 CET 2015

On 03/10/2015 05:27 AM, Loïc Hoguin wrote:
> Imprisoned deep in the OTP Team dungeons.
> More seriously, they told us they would try to make things more open, including a bug tracker, but we are still waiting. Personally I would like to see everything related to the SSL application.
> The bug tracker doesn't even need to be too complex, just a read-only export of the ticket info and the email of the person assigned would already be very cool.

Ideally the bug tracker would also be tracking features that are currently in development, planned, and those features that are not in scope for software development at Ericsson (i.e., in the OTP Team dungeons).  For example, I have seen garbage collection latency grow under load during loadtesting when comparing R16B03-1 and 17.4, but it is unclear if this is something which is getting worse that will get resolved in the future when it is seen during testing at Ericsson, or if it is a known issue that is being actively pursued. Otherwise, it is hard to have any degree of confidence in Erlang/OTP, without a certain level of basic transparency.

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