[erlang-questions] Todays Topic: Performance Stuffs->records vs maps vs proplists

Gilberio Carmenates Garcia co7eb@REDACTED
Sun Aug 16 19:47:47 CEST 2015

Hi everyone here are some interesting tests about performance in Erlang. 


Today's Topic: performance stuffs->records vs maps vs proplists


Test made against the same data represented in three format records, maps
and proplists.

Test case value: 10 000 000 iterations.


Test case: get.


    Rec#rec.id -> 237 ms


    maps:get(id, Map) -> 550 ms

    {id := Id} = Map -> ~277 ms


    proplists:get_value/lookup(id, PPL) -> ~1642 ms


Test case: create.


    Rec = #rec{id = N, .}  -> ~1046 ms


    Map = #{id = N, .} -> ~ 1440 ms


    PPL = [{id, N}, .] -> ~2318 ms


Test case: update.


case 1 (~908 ms): 

    Rec2 = Rec#rec{id = N + N},

case 2 (~1057 ms):

    Rec2 = Rec#rec{id = N, name = N, age = N, dog = N, cat = N, mow = N, tin
= N},

case 3: no equivalent

case 4: no equivalent


case 1 (~3013 ms):

    Map2 = Map#{id => N + N},

case 2 (~ 4441 ms):

    Map2 = Map#{id => N, name => N, age => N, dog => N, cat => N, mow => N,
tin => N},

case 3 (~952 ms):

    Map2 = maps:update(id, N + 1, Map)

case 4 (~6054 ms)

    Map2 = maps:update(id, N + 1, Map),

    Map3 = maps:update(name, N + 1, Map2),

    Map4 = maps:update(age, N + 1, Map3),

    Map5 = maps:update(dog, N + 1, Map4),

    Map6 = maps:update(cat, N + 1, Map5),

    Map7 = maps:update(mow, N + 1, Map6),

    Map8 = maps:update(tin, N + 1, Map7),


case 1: no equivalent

case 2: no equivalent

case 3: (~1529 ms)

    PPL2 = lists:keystore(id, 1, PPL, {id, N + N}),

case 4: (~30705 ms)

    PPL2 = lists:keystore(id, 1, PPL, {id, N + N}),

    PPL3 = lists:keystore(name, 1, PPL2, {name, N + N}),

    PPL4 = lists:keystore(age, 1, PPL3, {age, N + N}),

    PPL5 = lists:keystore(dog, 1, PPL4, {dog, N + N}),

    PPL6 = lists:keystore(cat, 1, PPL5, {cat, N + N}),

    PPL7 = lists:keystore(mow, 1, PPL6, {mow, N + N}),

    PPL8 = lists:keystore(tin, 1, PPL7, {tin, N + N}),


What about that? I think using maps:get/2 is not so fast as using map
pattern matching.



Ivan (son of Gilberio).


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