[erlang-questions] Noob question: Need some help to limit process spawing
avinash D'silva
Sun Aug 16 18:27:28 CEST 2015
I purposely changed the variable names, so that they would be easier to
as I did not want to confuse/make it hard for the readers with the names
specific to the project.
I solved the problem by using a *mutex*:
but I am not sure if this is the right way to do it in Erlang or if there
are better ways of doing the same?
case pg2:get_members(Val2) of
[] ->
case ets:lookup(myset,mylock) of
[{_,0}] ->
ets:insert(myset, {mylock, 1}),
ets:insert(myset, {mylock, 0}),
[{_,1}] ->
%try again
Otherwise ->
On Sun, Aug 16, 2015 at 9:36 PM, Garrett Smith <g@REDACTED> wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 16, 2015 at 8:37 AM, Edward Halls <ehalls@REDACTED> wrote:
> > Perhaps some better syntax highlighting can help you spot this in the
> > future.
> >
> > A good ide will also tell you when there are unused variables.
> Better programming conventions - in particular making the code say
> what's going on - is even better than a super intelligent IDE that
> tells you what's wrong as you're typing. I turn those helper features
> off. Or, I would if Emacs had them on by default.
> > On 16 Aug 2015 2:22 pm, "Robert Raschke" <rtrlists@REDACTED>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> Could be the typo? Value2 vs Val2.
> >>
> >> On Aug 16, 2015 12:44 PM, "avinash D'silva" <evnix.com@REDACTED>
> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Hi,
> >>>
> >>> I have these lines code:
> >>>
> >>> timer:apply_after(5*1000,mymodule,myfunction,[Value]),
> >>> timer:apply_after(5*1000,mymodule,myfunction,[Value]),
> >>> timer:apply_after(5*1000,mymodule,myfunction,[Value]),
> >>> timer:apply_after(5*1000,mymodule,myfunction,[Value]),
> >>> timer:apply_after(5*1000,mymodule,myfunction,[Value]),
> >>>
> >>> "myfunction" looks like this:
> >>> myfunction(Value)->
> This should be a function:
> >>> Val2=iolist_to_binary([Value,"_P"]),
> You're making a decision to add this suffix here? Why? A well named
> function will make that obvious.
> Any time you find yourself adding 2, 3, 4s to the end of a variable,
> stop. What's the actual name of the variable there? I mean, what is
> it? Use that.
> Oh, and "value" should be "term" here. Kidding of course - it's no
> doubt a value, but take advantage of the variable name. Just spend a
> moment and think about what that thing actually is in the context of
> your function/problem.
> I'd flatten this all out:
> >>> case pg2:get_members(Value2) of
> >>>
> >>> [] ->
> >>> {ok,P}=mymodule:start_link(),
> >>> pg2:join(Value2,P2),
> >>> gen_server:call(P2,{push,Msg});
> >>> Otherwise ->
> >>> [Px|_]=Otherwise,
> >>> gen_server:call(Px,{push,Msg})
> >>> end,
> to be something like:
> handle_members(members_for_xxx(XXX))
> I don't know what XXX is here (that's a bad name too) but it should make
> sense.
> >>> the problem is instead of creating a single process of mymodule.
> >>> there are 5 processes, as time taken to register the process is more,
> I didn't answer your question as I fixate on code clarity and it's an
> emotional blocker for me :)
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