[erlang-questions] Programmatic interface to the shell
Joe Armstrong
Mon Aug 10 20:11:00 CEST 2015
On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 7:14 PM, Fred Hebert <mononcqc@REDACTED> wrote:
> On 08/10, Joe Armstrong wrote:
>> Do you have any idea how to dig out the error message so it's exactly the
>> same?
>> I'm asking because I'm writing a tutorial in a "markdown like" language
>> and I want to automate production of examples :-)
> Probably would need to gather the Erlang stacktrace and raise it there too
> with erlang:get_stacktrace() and erlang:raise(T,R,Stacktrace) so that the
> shell evaluators (with lib:format_stacktrace) can handle it right:
> Eval = fun EvalLoop(Bindings) ->
> receive
> {cmd, Caller, Ref, String} ->
> try
> {ok, Tokens, _} = erl_scan:string(String),
> %% many forms can be comma-separated
> {ok, Forms} = erl_parse:parse_exprs(Tokens),
> %% eval individually
> {value, Val, NewBindings} = erl_eval:exprs(Forms,
> Bindings),
> Caller ! {ok, Ref, Val},
> EvalLoop(NewBindings)
> catch
> T:R ->
> Caller ! {raise, Ref, T, R, erlang:get_stacktrace},
> EvalLoop(Bindings)
> end
> end end.
> Send = fun(Pid, String) ->
> Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
> Pid ! {cmd, self(), Ref, String},
> receive
> {ok, Ref, Value} -> Value;
> {raise, Ref, T, R, S} -> erlang:raise(T,R,S)
> end end.
> This should do it.
erlang:raise seems to print a string (as a side effect) and then kill the
process. This is not really what I want. I also found that the code
you posted above behaves differently when compiled and when run
in the shell.
So some code takes the exception and turns it into a string
which the shell prints - I've no idea where this happens - investigation
proceeds ...
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