[erlang-questions] dialyzer output help
Roelof Wobben
Mon Aug 10 14:00:08 CEST 2015
I try to document this function which I found on another topic.
%% @author Roelof Wobben <r.wobben@REDACTED>
%% @doc Function to calculate the area of a rectangle, a ellipse or a
%% @reference from <a href=
"http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920025818.do" >Introducing Erlang</a>,
%% O'Reilly Media, Inc., 2012.
%% @copyright 2012 by R.Wobben
%% @version 0.1
-spec(area() -> 'ok' | 'error').
%% @doc a function which looks if the function collect_data
%% outputs a number which resambles the area of the shape the
%% user has choosen with the dimensions which the user has entered
%% if the user entered a wrong shape or not a number on the dimension
%% part , there will be a right error message to tell what went wrong
area() ->
try collect_data() of
Area -> io:format("The area is ~p~n", [Area])
error:Err -> io:format("~s~n", [error_msg(Err)])
-spec(collect_data() -> number() ).
%% doc Function which controls the programm.
%% First the shape is asked on the user.
%% After that if a valid shape is entered the dimensions
%% are asked , and if they are valid the area is being calculated.
collect_data() ->
Shape = shape_from_user(),
{X, Y} = dimensions_from_user(Shape),
geom:area(Shape, X, Y).
-spec (shape_from_user() -> 'ellipse' | 'rectangle' | 'triangle' ) .
%%doc Here the right prompt is made so the user
%% can choose the shape they want.
shape_from_user() ->
Prompt = "R)ectangle, T)riangle, or E)llipse > ",
-spec (prompt_user(string()) -> string()).
%% doc Here the prompt is displayed and send to
%% the strip function so the newline is stripped.
prompt_user(Prompt) ->
-spec (strip_lf (string()) -> string() ).
%%doc Here the newline is stripped from the userinput.
strip_lf(Str) ->
string:strip(Str, right, $\n).
char_to_shape("R") -> rectangle;
char_to_shape("r") -> rectangle;
char_to_shape("T") -> triangle;
char_to_shape("t") -> triangle;
char_to_shape("E") -> ellipse;
char_to_shape("e") -> ellipse;
char_to_shape(_) -> error(bad_shape).
dimensions_from_user(rectangle) ->
numbers_from_user("width", "height");
dimensions_from_user(triangle) ->
numbers_from_user("base", "height");
dimensions_from_user(ellipse) ->
numbers_from_user("major axis", "minor axis").
numbers_from_user(XPrompt, YPrompt) ->
X = number_from_user(XPrompt),
Y = number_from_user(YPrompt),
{X, Y}.
number_from_user(Name) ->
Prompt = ["Enter ", Name, " > "],
to_positive_number(Prompt) ->
positive_number(N) when N > 0 -> N;
positive_number(_) -> error(bad_number).
to_number(Str) ->
try_number([fun list_to_float/1, fun list_to_integer/1], Str).
try_number([Method|Rest], Arg) ->
error:badarg -> try_number(Rest, Arg)
try_number([], _Arg) ->
error_msg(bad_shape) -> "Please enter a valid shape";
error_msg(bad_number) -> "Please enter a positive number".
but as soon as I run dialyzer I see this output :
Checking whether the PLT /home/nitrous/.dialyzer_plt is up-to-date... yes
Proceeding with analysis...
ask_area.erl:34: Function collect_data/0 has no local return
ask_area.erl:75: Function dimensions_from_user/1 has no local return
ask_area.erl:82: Function numbers_from_user/2 has no local return
ask_area.erl:87: Function number_from_user/1 has no local return
ask_area.erl:89: The call
ask_area:prompt_user(Prompt::[[1..255,...],...]) breaks the contract
(string()) -> string()
ask_area.erl:91: Function to_positive_number/1 will never be called
ask_area.erl:94: Function positive_number/1 will never be called
ask_area.erl:97: Function to_number/1 will never be called
ask_area.erl:100: Function try_number/2 will never be called
done in 0m0.51s done (warnings were emitted)
hecking whether the PLT /home/nitrous/.dialyzer_plt is up-to-date... yes
Proceeding with analysis...
ask_area.erl:34: Function collect_data/0 has no local return
ask_area.erl:75: Function dimensions_from_user/1 has no local return
ask_area.erl:82: Function numbers_from_user/2 has no local return
ask_area.erl:87: Function number_from_user/1 has no local return
ask_area.erl:89: The call ask_area:prompt_user(Prompt::[[1..255,...],...]) breaks the contract (string()) -> string()
ask_area.erl:91: Function to_positive_number/1 will never be called
ask_area.erl:94: Function positive_number/1 will never be called
ask_area.erl:97: Function to_number/1 will never be called
ask_area.erl:100: Function try_number/2 will never be called
Unknown functions:
done in 0m0.51s
done (warnings were emitted)
Can someone explain what these messages mean.
This is the first time I use dialyzer and this confuses me.
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