[erlang-questions] Does erlang:now() guarantee that subsequent calls to this BIF returns continuously increasing values even in erlang cluster?
Michael Turner
Wed Apr 22 05:58:08 CEST 2015
If what you need is not exactly a down-to-the-microsecond time stamp but a
temporally ordered globally unique ID, this
could be part of the solution, I suppose.
Michael Turner
Executive Director
Project Persephone
K-1 bldg 3F
7-2-6 Nishishinjuku
Shinjuku-ku Tokyo 160-0023
Tel: +81 (3) 6890-1140
Fax: +81 (3) 6890-1158
Mobile: +81 (90) 5203-8682
"Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward
together in the same direction." -- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 10:34 AM, Daniel <liudanking@REDACTED> wrote:
> The background of my problem is as follows:
> I use AWS dynamoDB (http://aws.amazon.com/cn/dynamodb/) to store ejabbed
> chat messages. DynamoDB is a NoSQL storage and needs a *key* to look up a
> record. In my application, I construct the *key* as <jid, erlang:now()>
> where jid is the hash key and erlang:now() is the range key (
> http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/WorkingWithTables.html).
> The reason that I prefer to use erlang:now() as the range key is that it
> will be convenient to query history messages according to timestamp.
> Unfortunately, <jid, erlang:now()> may be not unique in erlang cluster, so
> I am looking for a global *erlang:now()* function that generate global
> unique timestamp in erlang cluster.
> BTW, small probability of <jid, erlang:now()> collision is not a big
> problem in my application, so I am still using <jid, erlang:now()> as the
> *key*.
> > On Apr 22, 2015, at 8:59 AM, Michael Turner <
> michael.eugene.turner@REDACTED> wrote:
> >
> > "slapping "lamport clock" on it is reductive."
> >
> > -- it was just a suggestion, in case something like that might work. My
> suggestion was not intended to be all-inclusive or a panacea. Slapping
> "reductive" on my suggestion is ... well, reductive?
> >
> > "Not come with a pet solution to push through."
> >
> > It's not my "pet solution". I don't have a "pet solution." I don't even
> know what this guy's problem is, and you don't either. So how can I have a
> pet solution if there's no way to know what the solution is in the first
> place?
> >
> > I just happen to know that Erlang/OTP has this feature that's been in
> "beta" for what seems to be a decade or more, one that exposes a kind of
> Lamport clock functionality (even though the documentation fails to call it
> that, which might be why it's still waiting for enough user input to refine
> the interface -- people who go looking for something like that in
> Erlang/OTP are not finding it.) seq_trace might be part of /a/ solution to
> his problem. But since we don't know what his problem really is, I'm just
> making suggestions.
> >
> > Understand?
> >
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> > Michael Turner
> > Executive Director
> > Project Persephone
> > K-1 bldg 3F
> > 7-2-6 Nishishinjuku
> > Shinjuku-ku Tokyo 160-0023
> > Tel: +81 (3) 6890-1140
> > Fax: +81 (3) 6890-1158
> > Mobile: +81 (90) 5203-8682
> > turner@REDACTED
> > http://www.projectpersephone.org/
> >
> > "Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward
> together in the same direction." -- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
> >
> > On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 9:20 PM, Fred Hebert <mononcqc@REDACTED> wrote:
> > On 04/21, Michael Turner wrote:
> > "Lamport/vector clocks and other similar ones operate on *causality*, but
> > this partial ordering is not the only one available or workable."
> >
> > Whether it's "workable" depends on what's desired. Sorting by {Node,
> > Timestamp} is not accurate if causality matters and clocks have drifted
> out
> > of synch. As they will. Hence Lamport's work, and the work of others. And
> > if causality doesn't matter, well, I wonder: why bother? Unless you just
> > want a rough idea of when certain things happened, in which case {Node,
> > Timestamp} can give you a /total/ order that's, if anything, more
> accurate
> > than what you need.
> >
> >
> > That's not necessarily true. Let's see for different options and when
> they can be useful.
> >
> > - Lamport/vector clocks: causality. I wan to track the logical
> dependencies of changes.
> > - `{Node, Timestamp}`: I have lots of local events (say HTTP requests
> and responses in logs) and want to see *when* they happen and how far
> apart. The timestmap might need to be monotonic, but the per-node value
> lets me impose a logical order, track some density over time (assuming I
> at least have NTP working), and so on.
> > - {Shard, Timestamp}: I require a total order, but for events within a
> sharded data set.
> > - {Cluster, Timestamp}: Each cluster I run might belong to specific
> customers or whatever, or run a specific set of hardware, or be a logical
> division. In any case, it's possible they have their own time or id
> service and I may want a partial or total order based on the events within
> that cluster, without worrying I might want to compare cross-cluster
> activity.
> > - {Region, Timestamp}: Similar to the above, but by geographical area.
> I might decide that I need a total order on some form of transactions and
> will run a service, but for latency (and if real world allows it), I won't
> try to synchronize my time across data-centers or large geographical areas.
> >
> > All of these 'labelled timestamps' *are* a partial order. They only
> define it on some label. I.e. you can sort all timestamps within a
> node/shard/cluster/region, but can't do it across boundaries.
> >
> > There are other avenues that even combine some of them; One interesting
> case is inspired by Google's Chubby and CRDTs: You use a timestamp
> synchronized by NTP, guaranteeing you a maximal drift interval. You then
> add in a lamport clock whenever two events happen within too close of an
> interval that we cannot guarantee from the system clocks they truly
> happened apart.
> >
> > The lamport clock is mergeable in a deterministic way that is also
> commutative and idempotent (that's a CRDT!), and acts as a tie-breaker
> between events that happen at too close together.
> >
> > This way you get reliable timestamps when you can, and when you suddenly
> can't, you get a form of causality (or global monotonicity) to break things
> up.
> >
> > slapping "lamport clock" on it is reductive. It's a good way to track
> some levels of causality, but has its limitations. If you only *need*
> node-local accuracy and you have access to a monotonic clock, it might be
> far less work to just slap the monotonic clock into things than weave the
> logical clock through everything, and obtain the same logical result in the
> end (plus more information). Maybe it's not the best solution either.
> >
> > But really, if we want to make good recommendations, we have to ask what
> the user needs. Not come with a pet solution to push through.
> >
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