[erlang-questions] Process state and sensitive information

Tony Rogvall tony@REDACTED
Tue Sep 2 00:57:46 CEST 2014

On 1 sep 2014, at 23:10, Chris de Villiers <chrisdevilliers@REDACTED> wrote:

> Hello
> I want to make requests to a web service which authenticates users
> with a key and secret.  I will be implementing their API with a
> gen_server and need to place the access credentials somewhere "safe".
> By safe I mean It should be out of plain sight and not accessible to a
> user that can attach to the VM.  I also do not want them to show up in
> stack traces or kernel/SASL logs should the gen_server die
> unexpectedly.
> The application's environment is obviously ruled out.  Storing them in
> the gen_server's state is also no good because sys:get_status/1 gives
> them away.
> I thought about placing them in an ETS table private to the gen_server
> process.  Is it possible for another process to read private ETS
> tables somehow?
private ets tables should be private.

> Any other suggestions how I can handle this situation?  I do not want
> to start a discussion about OS level security.  Lets assume someone
> gets access to the user account under which the VM runs and can attach
> to it.

consider process_flag(sensitive, true).

if you have a "named" service then try find a way of protecting 
the service from a middle-man "attack".

A fun shell example (made super easy thanks to Anthony Ramine) where
a middle-man process prints the first 10 request and then restore the original
process registration.

> Name = file_server_2.
> Orig = whereis(Name)
> MiddleMan = spawn(fun() -> unregister(Name), register(Name,self()), (fun Loop(0) -> unregister(Name), register(Name,Orig); Loop(I) -> receive R -> io:format("request:~p\n", [R]), Orig ! R, Loop(I-1) end end)(10) end).

With some minor hacking the replies could be captured as well.


> Regards,
> chris
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