[erlang-questions] Erlang 17.3, undefined function toolbar:start/0

月忧茗 yueyoum@REDACTED
Wed Oct 8 09:35:40 CEST 2014

Hi, I compile and install erlang 17.3 from source, (OS: ubuntu)

when I start erl shell, and type toolbar:start(). something goes wrong!

wang[15:33][~]$ erlErlang/OTP 17 [erts-6.2] [source] [smp:4:4]
[async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]
Eshell V6.2  (abort with ^G)1> io:format("OK~n").OK
ok2> toolbar:start().
** exception error: undefined function toolbar:start/03> tv:start().
** exception error: undefined function tv:start/04> appmon:start().
** exception error: undefined function appmon:start/05>

Why this?
My GitHub
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