[erlang-questions] Erlang Memory Question

Eranga Udesh eranga.erl@REDACTED
Mon Oct 6 03:41:50 CEST 2014

I thought of hibernation, but then I loose the Timeout feature of the
gen_server/gen_fsm. But of course I can do my own timers. I didn't go there
yet. Will do the same and give my feedback if that improves the system or

- Eranga

On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 3:07 AM, Erik Søe Sørensen <eriksoe@REDACTED> wrote:

> Good advice.
> For the short term, I think the option of hibernating the processes should
> be mentioned as well - it ensures that dormant session processes don't take
> up more memory than necessary.
> /Erik
> Den 05/10/2014 23.18 skrev "Jesper Louis Andersen" <
> jesper.louis.andersen@REDACTED>:
>> On Sun, Oct 5, 2014 at 9:27 AM, Eranga Udesh <eranga.erl@REDACTED>
>> wrote:
>>> I found temporary variables, eg. binary_to_list of a XML data say 100 KB
>>> in size (Xmerl needs string), won't get freed for a long period of time
>>> without force garbage collection. Therefore when there are about 500 user
>>> sessions, each process consuming large memory blocks, makes the system
>>> memory usage extremely high. We plan to support a large number of user
>>> sessions, say 10000s and this memory consumption is a show stopper for us
>>> at the moment.
>> Hi!
>> This is your problem in a nutshell. Calling binary_to_list/1 on a 100KB
>> binary blows it up to at least 2.4 megabytes in size. When the process is
>> done, it takes a bit of time for the heap to shrink down again. It will
>> just get into a serious problem when your system is going to process XML
>> documents for a large set of users at the same time. You have two general
>> options, which should both be applied in a serious system:
>> * xmerl is only useful for small configuration blocks of data. If you are
>> processing larger amounts of data, you need an XML parser which operates
>> directly on the binary representation. In addition, if you can find an XML
>> parser which allows you to parse in SAX-style, so you don't have to form an
>> intermediate structure will help a lot. In Haskell, particularly GHC,
>> fusion optimizations would mostly take of these things, but it doesn't
>> exist in the Erlang ecosystem, so you will have to approach it yourself.
>> Unfortunately I don't have any suggestion handy, since it is too long since
>> I've last worked with XML as a format.
>> * Your Erlang node() needs to have a way to shed load once it reaches
>> capacity. In other words, you design your system up to a certain amount of
>> simultaneous users and then you make sure there is a limit to how much
>> processing that can happen concurrently. This frames the erlang system so
>> it does not break down under the stress if it gets loaded over capacity.
>> Fred Hebert has written a book, "Erlang in Anger"[0] which touches on the
>> subject in chapter 3 - "Planning for overload". You may have 20.000 users
>> on the system, but if you make sure only 100 of those can process XML data
>> at the same time, you can at most have 240 megabytes of outstanding memory
>> space at the moment. Also, you may want to think about how much time it
>> will take K cores to chew through 240 megabytes of data. Reading data is
>> expensive.
>> Irina Guberman (from Ubiquity networks if memory serves) recently had a
>> very insightful (and funny!) talk[1] on how she employed the "jobs"
>> framework in a situation which is slightly akin to yours. It is highly
>> recommended, since she touches on the subject in far more depth than what I
>> do here. For a production system I would recommend employing some kind of
>> queueing framework early on. Otherwise, you system will just bow under the
>> load once it gets deployed.
>> [0] http://www.erlang-in-anger.com/
>> [1]
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Z_Z8aLIBQ8&list=UUQ7dFBzZGlBvtU2hCecsBBg
>> --
>> J.
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