[erlang-questions] Configuring Messaging Back Pressure
Andy Till
Fri Nov 21 23:44:22 CET 2014
I don't think you can rely on the scheduler alone if there are, say ten
producers giving work to one consumer asynchronously. Using
gen_server:call from the producer to the consumer could help here?
On 21/11/2014 12:23, Olivier BOUDEVILLE wrote:
> Hi,
> The reciprocal case (M producers and N consumers, with M >> N) may
> also be a problem.
> I can share a simple program which seems to show that the retaliation
> upon the producers is at least in some cases (where M is the number of
> cores of the machine minus 1, and N=1) insufficient: the program will
> crash and burn, exhausting the memory because of the mailbox of the
> consumer becoming too large. Ideally the back-pressure would increase
> steadily until the mailbox of the producer decreases below reasonable
> limits. Currently, I think that the developer has either to tune M by
> hand (which would depend on the hardware resources...), or to perform
> some explicit yielding (with timer:sleep(1) on the producers). Neither
> of them is very satisfactory.
> More generally, couldn't we hope that the scheduling logic could cope
> with at least most of the M producers-N consumers scenarios, without
> resorting to hints from the developer like specifying a process flag
> or performing explicit yielding? Maybe (for the M >> N case) it is
> just a matter of heavier punishing (ex: ultimately exponential)
> whenever the receiving mailbox becomes too large.
> Best,
> Olivier.
> ---------------------------
> Olivier Boudeville
> EDF R&D : 1, avenue du Général de Gaulle, 92140 Clamart, France
> Département SINETICS, groupe ASICS (I2A), bureau B-226
> Office : +33 1 47 65 59 58 / Mobile : +33 6 16 83 37 22 / Fax : +33 1
> 47 65 27 13
> *darach@REDACTED*
> Envoyé par : erlang-questions-bounces@REDACTED
> 21/11/2014 11:27
> A
> atill@REDACTED
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> Objet
> Re: [erlang-questions] Configuring Messaging Back Pressure
> +1
> On 21 Nov 2014 04:53, "Andy Till" <_atill@REDACTED
> <mailto:atill@REDACTED>> wrote:
> Short outline of how erts_use_sender_punish works, please comment if
> there are any errors in the description.
> erts_use_sender_punish is a flag hard coded to 1 (true), when it is
> true a process sending messages to another process will have its
> reduction count reduced by the number of messages in the receivers
> message queue multiplied by four. Sending messages to processes with
> zero messages in the queue is free in terms of reductions, but sending
> messages to load queues is very expensive and will lead the scheduler
> to context switch to another process more often.
> In the case where the the relationship between of producers and
> consumers is one to one, this makes sense. It provides back pressure
> when part of the system is loaded.
> In the case where there is one producer to many consumers, if one
> consumer gets a flood of messages and the producer is punished then
> the punishment is not only on the producer but on all other consumers
> because the producer cannot create enough work for them as it used all
> of its reductions.
> This makes performance unpredictable when work cannot be spread evenly.
> Could this be made to be configurable using a process flag?
> Cheers
> Andy
> Code:
> _
> __https://github.com/erlang/otp/blob/a70f0ce9b34e4db61dacb8db24f9ab5671ed4c8a/erts/emulator/beam/erl_init.c#L694__
> __https://github.com/erlang/otp/blob/682a6082159568f40615f03d12d44ee70edd14c6/erts/emulator/beam/bif.c#L2058__
> __https://github.com/erlang/otp/blob/a8e12f7168c14cc765a63a51c838d065412795d7/erts/emulator/beam/erl_message.c#L504_
> Previous mentions and issues with this feature:
> _
> __http://erlang.org/pipermail/erlang-questions/2011-July/060314.html__
> __http://erlang.org/pipermail/erlang-questions/2011-July/060042.html_
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