[erlang-questions] What kind of objects can be a message type?

Lhfcws GMail lhfcws@REDACTED
Fri Nov 21 08:44:21 CET 2014

Hi, I’m new to Erlang.
I have a question about the message passed among the Erlang processes.
1. I create a Socket or FileHandler, can I use ! to send it to another process and still works well?

demo code:

	ListenSocket = gen_tcp:listen(1055, [{active, true}]),
	Socket = gen_tcp:accept(ListenSocket),
	From ! {new_socket, Socket}.

2. What if I invoking ’spawn’ to pass the Socket to the new process ?

demo code:

	NewProcess = fun(Socket) -> … end.

	ListenSocket = gen_tcp:listen(1055, [{active, true}]),
	Socket = gen_tcp:accept(ListenSocket),
	spawn(NewProcess, Socket).


I know that the message in the receiver is a copy of the one in the sender, but I’m a little confused about the questions above. Could someone just explain this?
Thank you.

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