[erlang-questions] Calling for help to improve contents on erlang.org
Robert Virding
Wed Nov 19 04:14:42 CET 2014
Yes, I definitely agree with Loïc on this, make the code and content
open-source. And with a good licence, don't GPL it.
And I agree with Tristan, put all of this in one place, either
erlangcentral.org or erlang.org, and have decent links to it from other
On 13 November 2014 17:22, Loïc Hoguin <essen@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hi,
> This response is addressed to OTP Team, as Bruce already knows what I am
> saying here.
> Please make the erlang.org code and content open-source, and add a link
> to this repository at the bottom of all erlang.org pages.
> This is not only easier to contribute to for programmers, but will make
> people who read contribute spontaneously (even if they don't end up using
> Erlang) and will also address the concerns of those who do not want to
> contribute to closed software/platforms.
> On 11/13/2014 06:14 PM, Bruce Yinhe wrote:
>> Hello,
>> We are aware that parts of erlang.org <http://erlang.org> need
>> improvement. For example http://www.erlang.org/article/tag/examples and
>> http://www.erlang.org/course/course.html are outdated. We would like to
>> see a number of small code examples for beginners. The purpose of these
>> examples is to provide an attractive and useful introduction for people
>> who are interested in adopting the Erlang programming language.
>> Please send us your input. We would like to call for help from the
>> community since OTP team does not have too much time and it is not
>> possible to submit pull requests for editorial of erlang.org
>> <http://erlang.org> as of now.
>> Any other suggestions for erlang.org <http://erlang.org> are always
>> welcome.
>> Best regards,
>> Bruce Yinhe
>> community-manager@REDACTED <mailto:community-manager@REDACTED>
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> --
> Loïc Hoguin
> http://ninenines.eu
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