[erlang-questions] Distributed application and netsplit
Karolis Petrauskas
Tue Nov 18 22:23:15 CET 2014
I have read LYSE and its section on distributed applications in
particular. I have configured my nodes so, that I can determine, which
node is more important than other. The problem is how to stop the
application on the less important node. This problem only occurs after
recovery from netsplit. Ferd's page
(http://learnyousomeerlang.com/distributed-otp-applications) covers
netsplits only by the following note:
Note: In terms of distributed programming fallacies, distributed OTP
applications assume that when there is a failure, it is likely due to
a hardware failure, and not a netsplit. If you deem netsplits more
likely than hardware failures, then you have to be aware of the
possibility that the application is running both as a backup and main
one, and that funny things could happen when the network issue is
resolved. Maybe distributed OTP applications aren't the right
mechanism for you in these cases.
Now I have those "funny things".
On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 11:04 PM, Felix Gallo <felixgallo@REDACTED> wrote:
> No, it's a specific question having to do with the failover/takeover
> mechanisms.
> If I'm understanding the problem correctly, ferd's page on the topic may be
> handy -- specifically the bottom part talks about how to configure different
> nodes to recognize themselves as being less important than others.
> http://learnyousomeerlang.com/distributed-otp-applications
> On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 1:00 PM, Raoul Duke <raould@REDACTED> wrote:
>> hello? isn't this like a canonical systems engineer question?!
>> https://www.google.com/search?q=split+brain+interview+question+networking+storage
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