[erlang-questions] A problem with exit erlang node.

Eric Pailleau eric.pailleau@REDACTED
Wed Nov 12 22:37:11 CET 2014

 -define(SERVER_APPS, [sasl, gs_main]).
 ... stop() -> ok = stop_applications(?SERVER_APPS), erlang:halt().

I would reverse this list for stopping first gs	_main , then sasl.
Is gs_main depending of sasl in .app file ?
Don t know if it is the problem...

« Envoyé depuis mon mobile » Eric

adam chan <114999420@REDACTED> a écrit :

>Hi List,
>I have a problem to stop or exit a erlang node.‍
>When I called erlang:halt(), the node is fake dead, and the cpu goes up to 100%.
>Here is the situation:
>I'm running OTP_R15B02 on Centos 6.3.‍
>I have 3 nodes named 'server', 'unite' and 'gateway' which connected to each other.
>The 'gateway' node listens to a port , receives socket datas from client, and then transfers to 'server' and 'unite'. 
>The response data from 'server' and 'unite' will send back to client through 'gateway' node too.
>When I want to stop all these 3 nodes, the 'gateway' node CAN NOT exit completely sometimes (small probability) ‍.
>The nodes is running in screen of linux, the starting scripts like this:
>/usr/bin/screen -dmS server -s $ScriptPath/start_server.sh $Log‍‍
>/usr/bin/screen -dmS unite -s $ScriptPath/start_unite.sh $Log‍
>/usr/bin/screen -dmS gateway -s $ScriptPath/start_gateway.sh $Log‍
>cd /data/web/server/server/config
>ulimit -s 262140
>erl -kernel inet_dist_listen_min 40001 -kernel inet_dist_listen_max 40100 +P 1024000 +K true -smp disable -name gateway@REDACTED -setcookie abc -boot start_sasl -config gs_main -pa ../ebin -s gs_main start -extra‍ 9001 2
>I stop the nodes in the order of 'gateway' -> 'unite' -> 'server'
>The stop scripts like this:
>cd /data/web/server/server/scripts/
>chmod +x stop_gateway.sh
>chmod +x stop_unite.sh
>chmod +x stop_server.sh
>cd /data/web/server/server/config
>erl -noshell -hidden -name stop_gateway@REDACTED -setcookie abc -pa ../ebin -eval "rpc:call('gateway@REDACTED', gs_main, stop, [])." -s c q‍
>-define(SERVER_APPS, [sasl, gs_main]).‍
>stop() ->
>    ok = stop_applications(?SERVER_APPS),
>    erlang:halt().‍
>The 'server' and 'unite' node can exit completely every time, and the screen which is running the node also exit too.
>But the 'gateway' node sometimes (small probability‍) can't exit, the screen remains too:
>[root@REDACTED logs]# screen -ls
>There are screens on:
>        20107.gateway  (Detached)
>[root@REDACTED logs]# ps -ef | grep gateway
>root     20107     1  0 Nov10 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/SCREEN -dmS gateway -s /data/web/server/server/scripts/start_gateway.sh -L -c /data/web/server/server/var/logs/screenrc_gateway
>root     20110 20107  0 Nov10 pts/7    00:00:00 /bin/bash /data/web/server/server/scripts/start_gateway.sh
>root     20111 20110 90 Nov10 pts/7    1-19:56:53 /usr/local/lib/erlang/erts-5.9.2/bin/beam -P 1024000 -K true -- -root /usr/local/lib/erlang -progname erl -- -home /root -- -kernel inet_dist_listen_min 40001 -kernel inet_dist_listen_max 40100 -smp disable -name gateway@REDACTED -setcookie abc -boot start_sasl -config gs_main -pa ../ebin -s gs_main start -extra 9001 2‍
>[root@REDACTED logs]# strace -c -p 20111
>Process 20111 attached - interrupt to quit
>^CProcess 20111 detached‍
>strace command has no effect here. And one CPU core keeps running at 100%.
>At the end of the 'gateway' node's log, it says the application is exited:
>=INFO REPORT==== 11-Nov-2014::10:21:18 ===
>    application: gs_main
>    exited: stopped
>    type: temporary‍
>It seems that some endless loop occured after the printing of the =INFO REPORT=.
>The application is not really exited, or the 'ps -ef | grep gateway' command won't find the 20111 process.
>Any ideas?
>Thanks in advance.
>Adam Chan
>erlang-questions mailing list
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