[erlang-questions] spawn and controlling_process

Hynek Vychodil vychodil.hynek@REDACTED
Mon Nov 3 10:06:28 CET 2014

No, there is not any difference. Both versions of code is compiled exactly

fun1(Socket,Mod, Fun, Args) ->
    Pid = erlang:spawn(Mod, Fun, Args),

fun2(Socket,Mod, Fun, Args) ->
    gen_tcp:controlling_process(Socket,erlang:spawn(Mod, Fun, Args)).

Then you can compile it with 'S' and get "assembler":

{function, fun1, 4, 2}.

{function, fun2, 4, 4}.

As you can see, both functions are exactly same. Why should be there any

Hynek Vychodil

On Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 11:34 AM, Gadi Srebnik <gadi@REDACTED> wrote:

> Hi all, my first question here.
> How safe it is to use controlling_process after spawn? I am using
> additional gen_tcp:controlling_process inside the Mod:Fun itself after few
> additional commands. Is it possible that process will not be owner by then?
> Pid = erlang:spawn(Mod, Fun, Args),
>  gen_tcp:controlling_process(Socket,Pid),
> Is one-liner safer?
> gen_tcp:controlling_process(Socket,erlang:spawn(Mod, Fun, Args)),
> Thanks,
> Gadi
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