[erlang-questions] How to specify receiver for erl_drv_send_term

Lukas Larsson garazdawi@REDACTED
Mon Jun 23 17:21:58 CEST 2014


The only way that I know if from either driver_caller or driver_connected.
What I have done to solve this problem is to make the process that should
get the message "register" with the port. When it does the register call I
get the pid using driver_caller and save the pid in the port state.

You should probably also monitor the process from the driver to in case it


On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 2:02 PM, streamingmind@REDACTED <
streamingmind@REDACTED> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've been practicing writing a port driver for a legacy SIGTRN product. In
> attempting to send back data from the port driver to a erlang process, I
> don't know how to convert existing  erlang_pid data to a ErlDrvTerm data
> which is required by erl_drv_send_term(), as the receiver parameter. It'll
> be graceful if somebody here could give me a hand.
> Regards,
> Ben
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