[erlang-questions] gb_trees utility functions
Siri Hansen
Thu Jun 19 11:10:14 CEST 2014
Hi Cobus!
We have had a look at your code, and we think that this is indeed something
that you could contribute to the gb_trees module (we do not want a new
module for this). A pull request is the way to go. Please follow these
guidelines: https://github.com/erlang/otp/wiki/submitting-patches.
Please note that tests must be done using common_test
(stdlib/test/dict_SUITE.erl) and documentation must be added to
Best Regards
2014-04-22 20:42 GMT+02:00 Cobus Carstens <cobus.carstens@REDACTED>:
> Hi all
> I wrote 4 utility functions[1] that allows searching a gb_tree for:
> - the smallest key greater than the specified one
> - the smallest key greater or equal to the specified one
> - the greatest key smaller than the specified one
> - the greatest key smaller or equal to the specified one.
> This is nothing special, but my question (mostly directed to the OTP
> people) is: Would this be something that I can contribute to the
> gb_trees module (or maybe a gb_trees_utils module)? Would a
> pull-request suffice?
> [1] For those interested, the implementation can be found at:
> https://github.com/cobusc/erlang_gb_trees_utils
> Regards,
> Cobus
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