[erlang-questions] ssh direct-tcpip port forwarded tunnel
Alex Wilson
Tue Jun 10 08:24:40 CEST 2014
There's no public API in the SSH app for this at the moment.
However, if you're willing to use private API, you can do something like this:
{ok, Ssh} = ssh:connect(Host, Port, [...]),
RemoteHost = "thing-on-other-side.of.tunnel.com",
RemotePort = 80,
HostBin = list_to_binary(RemoteHost), HostLen = byte_size(HostBin),
% the "originating" host, meant to be the thing connecting to the -R/-L forwarder
% in this case we just generate a random one
OrigHost = <<"localhost">>, OrigHostLen = byte_size(OrigHost),
OrigPort = crypto:rand_uniform(10000,65000),
Msg = <<HostLen:32/big, HostBin/binary, RemotePort:32/big, OrigHostLen:32/big,
OrigHost/binary, OrigPort:32/big>>,
{open, Chan} = ssh_connection_handler:open_channel(Ssh, "direct-tcpip",
% then after you've got the channel, use it like any other:
_ = ssh_connection:send(Ssh, Chan, <<"some data to send here">>),
{ssh_cm, Ssh, {data, Chan, _, IncomingBinary}} -> ...
{ssh_cm, Ssh, {closed, Chan}} -> ...
Note that ssh_connection_handler:open_channel/6 changed names between R15B and R16B, it used to be ssh_connection_manager:open_channel/6 and returned {ok, Chan} on success instead of {open, Chan}. Being private API, it might change again at any time! :)
This should probably have a public API though, it's a pretty useful operation.
On 7 Jun 2014, at 8:49 am, Tom van Neerijnen <tom@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hi all
> Does anyone have an example of an Erlang port forwarding SSH server?
> My aim is to give it a ssh -R 1234:localhost:5678 and have the erlang server forward connections on 1234 to localhost:5678.
> I've started ssh:daemon as described in the docs and have an Erlang shell on the server end of my ssh connection, so that at least is working, but I can't seem to get ssh_connection:direct_tcpip called.
> I guessed that I needed to add a "direct-tcpip" subsystem but this is ignored when I ssh in.
> Anyone got any pointers to get me started?
> --
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