[erlang-questions] Question about gen_fsm timeout
Shian Wu
Tue Oct 22 06:28:32 CEST 2013
Your return of open(timeout, State) will clean the timeout value.
You may change
open(timeout, State) ->
{next_state, locked, State}.
open(timeout, State) ->
{next_state, locked, State};
open(_Event, State) ->
{next_state, open, State, 30000}.
Another note, timeout will occur unless a request or a message is received.
If user keep to click button, it will not able to lock door ;p
Shian Wu
On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 10:37 AM, Bin Wang <wbin00@REDACTED> wrote:
> There is an locked door example aboout gen_fsm in the Elrang Otp System
> Documentation. I have a question about timeout. I will copy the code here
> first:
> -module(code_lock).
> -behaviour(gen_fsm).
> -export([start_link/1]).
> -export([button/1]).
> -export([init/1, locked/2, open/2]).
> start_link(Code) ->
> gen_fsm:start_link({local, code_lock}, code_lock, lists:reverse(Code,
> []).
> button(Digit) ->
> gen_fsm:send_event(code_lock, {button, Digit}).
> init(Code) ->
> {ok, locked, {[], Code}}.
> locked({button, Digit}, {SoFar, Code}) ->
> case [Digit|SoFar] of
> Code ->
> do_unlock(),
> {next_state, open, {[], Code}, 30000};
> Incomplete when length(Incomplete)<length(Code) ->
> {next_state, locked, {Incomplete, Code}};
> _Wrong ->
> {next_state, locked, {[], Code}}
> end.
> open(timeout, State) ->
> do_lock(),
> {next_state, locked, State}.
> Here is the question: when the door is opened, if I press the button, the
> gen_fsm will have an {button, Digit} event at the state open. An error will
> occurs. But if I add these code after open function:
> open(_Event, State) ->
> {next_state, open, State}.
> Then if I press the button in 30s, the timeout will not be occurs. The
> door will open forever. What should I do?
> Thanks.
> ---
> Bin Wang
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