[erlang-questions] mnesia - secondary indexes vs separate tables

Ulf Wiger ulf@REDACTED
Tue May 28 17:19:02 CEST 2013

On 28 May 2013, at 15:14, Motiejus Jakštys wrote:

> Some folks did some benchmarks with mnesia with a secondary index, and
> write performance was terrible (~40 times slowdown for inserts?). But
> I could not find it in the archives. Who was it?

I believe it was Scott Fritchie, but it was for the special case where an inordinate number of secondary keys were of the same value (e.g. indexing a boolean attribute). Since index tables are 'bag' tables, this can indeed result in terrible performance.

Ulf W

Ulf Wiger, Co-founder & Developer Advocate, Feuerlabs Inc.

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