[erlang-questions] Maps

Richard A. O'Keefe ok@REDACTED
Fri May 10 05:03:08 CEST 2013

On 9/05/2013, at 8:10 PM, Max Lapshin wrote:

> Richard. Would you, kindly, tell: where is the difference between maps
> and frames?
> As far as I understand, it is not about syntax, it is about internal
> way of storing data?

I thought I already had, but here goes.

There is one central semantic difference, which leads to two

(U) What do you want to optimise the design for?

    Frames are optimised (pared to the bone, in fact) for use in
    record-like ways.  They are somewhere between pathetic and
    hopeless as general purpose dictionaries.

    Maps optimised for service as general-purpose dictionaries.
    They are somewhere between almost usable and pathetic for
    record-like uses.

    I do not believe that it is possible to design a data structure
    which is *good* at both tasks.  I suspect that it is possible to
    prove this, but I must admit I haven't tried.

    THIS is the reason that Björn-Egil Dahlberg was able to sneer at
    frames as "just a replacement".  I don't try to build perpetual
    motion machines.  I don't try to square the circle with ruler and
    compass.  I don't try to design bottle-openers that make good
    chisels.  And given two sets of conflicting requirements (even if
    the sets overlap substantially), I don't try to satisfy them both
    with a single data structure.  (Using a Java ArrayList as a queue
    is *possible*, but stupid.)

(K) Frames only allow atoms as keys, maps allow any term.
    Frames can be manipulated using special syntax <{ K1 ~ V1, ... }>,
    as can maps.  In the special syntax, the keys must be visibly and
    obviously literal atoms; they may not be expressions; maps allow
    keys to be expressions in expression context and variables (or is
    it guard expressions, and if not, why not?) in pattern context.

    Frames and maps can also be manipulated using functions; that is
    not a difference.

(T) Frames take O(M+N) time to update/insert M fields into a (copy of a)
    frame that already has N keys.  Maps take O(lg N) time to update/
    insert a single field into an N-key map.  Frames take O(M+N) time to
    match M fields in an N-key frame; this can be reduced to O(M.lg N)
    for small M and large N, but since the simple code can be blisteringly
    fast, there's not really much point.

    Frames go with a programming style in which instead of

	... R#r.a ...
	... R#r.b ...
	... R#r.a ... R#r.c ...

    you write

	<{ a ~ A, b ~ B, c ~ C }> = R,
	... A ...
	... B ...
	... A ... C ...

    which has the advantage of failing early if some of the required fields
    are not present.  In fact my personal style for current Erlang says
    "never use R#r.a".

These are not independent properties, and they bear on the key
use-case difference:

    Frames were designed to be close to records in space and close to
    records in performance, for *record*-like uses (fixed collections
    of heterogeneous data) while also allowing a some flexibility,
    especially for upgrading.

    Maps were designed to be good for use as *dictionaries*; the design
    is optimised for *large* numbers of key/value associations.  Such a
    design intrinsically satisfies the "functional requirements" for a
    record replacement (at least in an untyped language), but not the
    "non-functional" or quality requirements.

As for implementation, Björn-Egil Dahlberg wrote:

> Current prototypes stems from using sparse tuples in a
> HAMT-like data structure and tuple-like data structures.
> The HAMT-like data structure is discontinued and will be 
> replaced by some ordered tree.

The HAMT-like data structure for OCAML that I've looked at
takes *at least* four words for every key/value association.
(I have been able to find plenty of numbers for the *speed*
of HAMTs but nothing for the *space* they need other than a
claim of "small".)  That's not necessarily the same thing,
and the "tuple-like" part makes me wonder if something much
cleverer is being done.  However, we're told that's going "and
will be replaced by some ordered tree".  Suppose you have a
2-3-4 tree.  We can play SML/Mercury-style games to move the
size of a node into the pointer to it, so we

2-node: C1 K1 V1 C2                    4   words/pair
3-node: C1 K1 V1 C2 K2 V2 C3           3.5 words/pair
4-node: C1 K1 V1 C2 K2 V2 C3 K3 V3 C4  3.3+words/pair

So it's fair to say that this would take *roughly* 3.5 words
per field.

Playing similar move-the-balance-info-into-the-pointers games
would let us do red-black trees or AVL trees in 4 words/pair.

There are other games one can play, at the price of more
complicated code, where we take advantage of the leaves of
a 2-3-4 tree being at the same depth, so that leaf nodes
are K1 V1
 or K1 V1 K2 V2
 or K1 V1 K2 V2 K3 V3
 or K1 V1 K2 V2 K3 V3 K4 V4
and the tree as a whole is roughly 2.3 words per pair.

I don't know what exactly Björn-Egil Dahlberg has in mind,
but if we charge 3 words per key/value association, it's
not likely that we're overestimating the space cost.

What about frames?  A frame <{ K1 ~ V1, ..., Kn ~ Vn }>
is represented as

	---> { size-and-tag , | , V1, ..., Vn }
             { size-and-tag, '',  K1, ..., Kn }

It is, in fact, the same representation as a record, except that
instead of the first element being the record *name* it is a
pointer to the record's *descriptor*.  The space needed is 4+2N

But it gets better.  In dictionary-like uses, you have *few*
dictionaries with key sets that tend to be *different*.  In
record-like uses, you have *many* 'records, with a much smaller
number of key-sets, so the descriptors can be *shared*.  A
typical record can be replaced by a frame with the *same*
space cost: 2+N words.

Segregating the keys is old idea for implementing environments in
Lisp-like languages.  It works brilliantly for key-sets that don't
change much.

One really cool thing is that it really lends itself to supporting
basic operations like comparison.  The storage representation is
*canonical*.  Two equal frames have the same parts in the same order.
To compare two frames for equality:
   - if the sizes are different, the frames are different.
   - if the descriptors are not the same pointer, then
        if the descriptors are not *bitwise* identical in contents,
        the frames are different.  (This can be implemented by a
        tiny chunk of machine code that's faster than memcmp().)
   - compare the rest of the frames as if comparing tuples.
To compare two frames for ordering:
  - if the sizes are different, the shorter one is less
  - if the descriptors are not the same pointer, then
       compare the descriptors for ordering as tuples.
       If they are not equal, the lesser frame is the one with
       the lesser descriptor.
  - compare the rest of the frames as if comparing tuples.

I don't understand HAMTs well enough to tell if they are canonical.
In the absence of hash collisions, they might be, but what if there
are collisions?  It's certainly hard to see how they could be
canonical for both == and =:= at the same time.  (Not a problem for
frames, because == and =:= coincide for atoms).

For search trees, however, it is well understood that two trees can
represent the same dictionary while having quite different shapes.
This makes comparison much much harder.  You can still do it in
linear time, but you really have to work at it.


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