[erlang-questions] Help for a newbie...
OJ Reeves
Wed May 8 15:32:40 CEST 2013
Hi Boris,
Your mistake is that the first line of your placeorder function is
terminated with period (.) instead of a comma (,).
If you make this change you should be fine.
Best regards
On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 11:28 PM, Boris Barvish <bbarvish@REDACTED> wrote:
> I have just started on my Erlang journey and am struggling with a compiler
> error that I am hoping someone with experience can spent 5 secs and tell me
> what i'm doing wrong, as I am not very good at understanding what the
> compiler is telling me. Thanks!
> I am passing in a string such as "morning, 1, 2, 3" as the UserEntry and
> simply want to create a variable which holds a list of the tokens. I am
> getting a message from the compiler saying "syntax error before: 'case'.
> -module(practicum).
> -export([placeorder/1]).
> placeorder(UserEntry) ->
> AllTokens = string:tokens(UserEntry, ",").
> case hd(AllTokens) of
> "morning" ->
> processMorning(lists:nthtail(AllTokens,2));
> "night" ->
> processEvening(lists:nthtail(AllTokens,2));
> _ -> io:fwrite("error\n")
> end.
> processMorning(Dishes) ->
> Dishes.
> processEvening(Dishes) ->
> Dishes.
> --
> A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left
> to add, but when there is nothing left to take away. Antoine de
> Saint-Exupery
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OJ Reeves
+61 431 952 586
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