[erlang-questions] xslt question: building the Erlang FAQ

Bohuslav Svancara bsvancara@REDACTED
Wed May 8 11:14:23 CEST 2013

make sure that DTD files are accessible.


2013/5/8 Matthias Lang <matthias@REDACTED>

> Hi,
> Something, I suspect xsltproc, is eating the non-ASCII characters in
> the Erlang FAQ. I'm hoping someone here can give me a clue what it is.
> The Erlang FAQ is generated using the same tools as the rest of the
> Erlang documentation. But the transformation on erlang.org drops
> letters, whereas the same transformation on my PC works fine:
>            Source:  <em>Erlang Programmation</em> (Mickaël
> Rémond)
>     On erlang.org:  <strong>Erlang Programmation</strong> (Mickal Rmond)
>   Output on my PC:  <strong>Erlang Programmation</strong> (Mickaël Rémond)
> Can someone give me a clue as to what's going on?
> Can anyone reproduce the bad version? I can't.
> I have a workaround, but I'd prefer to know why it's going wrong.
> More information
> ----------------
> The Erlang FAQ source is on github:
>    https://github.com/matthiasl/Erlang-FAQ
> just type 'make' to build it on *nix machines, assuming you have
> xsltproc installed. Here's what it looks like on my machine:
>    Erlang-FAQ >make
>    erl_docgen_privdir=`escript erl_docgen_privdir.escript`; \
>            date=`date +"%B %e %Y"`; \
>            xsltproc --stringparam outdir obj --stringparam gendate "$date"
> --stringparam topdocdir . --xinclude -path
> $erl_docgen_privdir/docbuilder_dtd -path
> $erl_docgen_privdir/dtd_html_entities faq_html.xsl faq.xml
>    ...
>    Erlang-FAQ >grep Mick *.xml obj/*
>    obtaining.xml:  French: <em>Erlang Programmation</em> (Mickaël
> Rémond)
>    obj/obtaining.html:     French: <strong>Erlang Programmation</strong>
> (Mickaël Rémond)
>    Erlang-FAQ >wget -q -O - http://www.erlang.org/faq/obtaining.html |
> grep Mick
>         French: <strong>Erlang Programmation</strong> (Mickal Rmond)
> The version information I have for the 'erlang.org' machine which is
> generating the input I don't want:
>    $ xsltproc --version
>    Using libxml 20623, libxslt 10115 and libexslt 812
>    xsltproc was compiled against libxml 20623, libxslt 10115 and libexslt
> 812
>    libxslt 10115 was compiled against libxml 20623
>    libexslt 812 was compiled against libxml 20623
>    $ escript erl_docgen_privdir.escript
>     /usr/local/otp/releases/sles10_64_R16A/lib/erl_docgen-0.3.4/priv
> I've built exactly the same version of xlstproc, with exactly the same
> libraries on my PC, but I don't get the dropped letters in the output.
> Raimo is fairly sure that it's not the webserver's fault. So maybe
> xsltproc is behaving differently on that machine for some reason. But
> why?
> One workaround i have is to write é instead of é. That
> solves the problem, but it's ugly. Might be a clue, though. I haven't
> tried seeing what happens if I just type öäå etc. in the XML source;
> I'd prefer to keep the FAQ source plain ASCII.
> A brutal workaround would be just to rename people. Mickael Remond,
> Clas Wikstrom and Bjorn. ;-)
> Matt
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