[erlang-questions] Finding node PID

Michael Truog mjtruog@REDACTED
Mon May 6 21:35:26 CEST 2013

Hi Lee,

If you build a release that depends on the cloudi_core application, it will find all the dependencies (as you can see, they are listed in the application file input here: https://github.com/okeuday/CloudI/blob/master/src/lib/cloudi_core/src/cloudi_core.app.src.in).  You could use the reltool.config file as a way of understanding how you can modify your own reltool.config file.  The nodefinder applications are the exception, since they are not listed as dependencies within the application file, but are included within the release, since their usage is based on configuration values.  So look at https://github.com/okeuday/CloudI/blob/master/src/reltool.config.in for more details about how the CloudI dependencies are included.  That particular reltool.config is a bit explicit, but if you were using "{incl_cond, derived}, {mod_cond, derived}" within your reltool.config file, providing the cloudi_core dependency to include would be enough for reltool to find all the other
dependencies, except the nodefinder applications (so the nodefinder applications can be listed separately, as shown).  I will create a sample application that includes CloudI for the next release to help make this clearer as an example.

It is simpler if you run both within the same Erlang VM and that helps to minimize latency.  You do have the option of using the cpg module in a separate Erlang VM connected with distributed Erlang using the same cookie to communicate with CloudI services, but that approach doesn't utilize the CloudI API, so it is a bit awkward and lacks the benefits of using CloudI.

Best Regards,

On 05/06/2013 12:06 PM, Lee Sylvester wrote:
> Hi Konstantin,
> How do you run them in the same VM?
> Sorry, still an Erlang noob.
> Thanks,
> Lee
> On 6 May 2013, at 19:31, Konstantin Tcepliaev <f355@REDACTED <mailto:f355@REDACTED>> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> From what I see here: https://github.com/okeuday/CloudI/blob/master/src/rel/files/vm.args#L5 the problem is that cookies on your node and CloudI are different.
>> As for me, I'd choose to run both applications within the same VM, given that documentation clearly suggests this: https://github.com/okeuday/CloudI/blob/master/src/api/README.markdown
>> Cheers,
>> -- 
>> Konstantin
>> 06.05.2013, 22:19, "Lee Sylvester" <lee.sylvester@REDACTED <mailto:lee.sylvester@REDACTED>>:
>>> Thank you.  I see this in the output:
>>> name cloudi at port 4374
>>> However, doing any of the following returns pang:
>>> net_adm:ping(cloudi).
>>> net_adm:ping('cloudi@REDACTED').
>>> net_adm:ping('cloudi@REDACTED <mailto:cloudi@REDACTED>').
>>> Am I doing something silly?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Lee
>>> On 6 May 2013, at 19:11, Motiejus Jaks(tys <desired.mta@REDACTED <mailto:desired.mta@REDACTED>> wrote:
>>>> epmd -names
>>> ,
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