[erlang-questions] EPMD and Multiple Erlang nodes of different versions/releases on a single server

Art Beall arthurbeall@REDACTED
Thu Mar 14 02:52:04 CET 2013

How does the upgrade, install, startup, and shutdown of 
multiple Erlang nodes (installed separately) running on the same server work when there is only one 
version of EPMD running on the server?   
For instance, what happens when a minor or major upgrade 
requires shutting only one of the Erlang nodes down and that nodes EPMD is 
running? Especially when the other nodes on the server are currently using 
distributed Erlang?   
To clarify the question, we are running on Windows (please 
don’t hit page down ;->) , and we will be using the same Erlang cookie.  
Thanks for any help, examples, or insight! 
Art Beall
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