[erlang-questions] Appearance of carriage return in a erlang.log on UNIX

Tom Burdick thomas.burdick@REDACTED
Tue Mar 12 21:51:06 CET 2013

Erlang always seems to stuff carriage returns in its stdio output. Its
really really annoying when using it with ports or... well anything.

I actually spent the time trying to hunt down where in the OTP those are
being put in there so I could send a patch or keep a \r free version of
erlang around for myself.

I gave up after an hour of trying to hunt it down, maybe someone more
knowledgable can point us all in the right place?


On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 2:40 AM, Jay Doane <jay@REDACTED> wrote:

> I believe the erlang.log.N files come from
> http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/run_erl.html, which is probably being
> invoked from the script rebar generated in rel/files.
> There are several environment variables you can use to control the output,
> but I don't know how to get rid of those annoying carriage returns.  Sure
> wish I did...
> Jay
> On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 12:48 PM, Valentin Kuznetsov <vkuznet@REDACTED>wrote:
>> Hmm,
>> the application does use error_logger and the erlang.log.1 file contains
>> proper lines from the logger, e.g.
>> =INFO REPORT==== 9-Mar-2013::20:55:05 ===^M
>> <0.818.0> Listening on 10190.^M
>> Eshell V5.9.3  (abort with ^G)^M
>> (urlfetchd@REDACTED)1> ^M
>> =INFO REPORT==== 9-Mar-2013::20:55:31 ===^M
>> <0.838.0> Client {127,0,0,1} connected.^M
>> The release log area has the following content:
>> erlang.log.1  run_erl.log  sasl  sasl-error.log
>> The sasl-error.log contains proper content too, e.g.
>> =SUPERVISOR REPORT==== 10-Mar-2013::18:29:44 ===
>>      Supervisor: {local,ssl_connection_sup}
>>      Context:    child_terminated
>>      Reason:     ekeyfile
>>      Offender:   [{pid,<0.1016.0>},
>>                   {name,undefined},
>>  {mfargs,{ssl_connection,start_link,undefined}},
>>                   {restart_type,temporary},
>>                   {shutdown,4000},                  {child_type,worker}]
>> but it does not have '\r' symbols.
>> The erlang.log.1 is not yet rotated since I only perform a few actions
>> with my application.
>> On Mar 10, 2013, at ,Mar 10, 3:29 PM, Antoine Koener wrote:
>> Erlang doesn't have a clue about your .1 file.
>> See more about your log rotation program.
>> Also your log file doesn't look like a sasl or error logger file...
>> On Sunday, March 10, 2013, Valentin Kuznetsov wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I built OTP application using rebar build tool and when I'm running on
>>> UNIX systems (both OSX and Linux) I see that created erlang.log.1 file has
>>> dos '\r' carriage return symbols in every line. I look-up on a web and did
>>> not find any reference about such behavior. I'll appreciate any suggestions
>>> why this happens (I don't think it's related to my application per-se and
>>> rather feel that it's somehow introduced by rebar, but I'm not sure). The
>>> carriage return symbols appears right after logging started message and
>>> follow up ever line after that. Here is an example of the head of my log.
>>> =====
>>> ===== LOGGING STARTED Sat Mar  9 20:55:02 EST 2013
>>> =====
>>> Exec:
>>> /Users/vk/Work/Languages/Erlang/urlfetch/rel/urlfetchd/erts-5.9.3/bin/erlexec
>>> -boot
>>> /Users/vk/Work/Languages/Erlang/urlfetch/rel/urlfetchd/releases/1/urlfetchd
>>> -mode embedded -config
>>> /Users/vk/Work/Languages/Erlang/urlfetch/rel/urlfetchd/etc/app.config
>>> -args_file
>>> /Users/vk/Work/Languages/Erlang/urlfetch/rel/urlfetchd/etc/vm.args --
>>> console^M
>>> Root: /Users/vk/Work/Languages/Erlang/urlfetch/rel/urlfetchd^M
>>> Erlang R15B03 (erts-5.9.3) [source] [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [async-threads:5]
>>> [hipe] [kernel-poll:true]^M
>>> ^M
>>> ^M
>>> Thanks,
>>> Valentin.
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