[erlang-questions] about iOS and Erlang

Ivan Carmenates García co7eb@REDACTED
Thu Mar 7 00:35:06 CET 2013

Hello, I know this is a little bit far from the subject, but I need some
help, first I would like to know if having the actual source code of Erlang
there will be a difficult task to compile Erlang for iOS, I wish to know if
it is because there is no compiler from the programming language in which
Erlang source code is implemented to iOS or if that is because of the
license imposition that Apple gives. That would be a big one, because there
are Android devices, and Windows Phone OS (this don't count) and of course
Apple Devices, (and others... (this neither count)). So I can't wait to have
an Erlang process running on my iPhone. I think that will not hurt at all, I
And the other thing, this is the one that get far from the subject, I have
an iPhone 4 and it is locked I mean is already jail'breaked but still have
no line. But someone told me that to unlock it to support the line of my
country I have to unlock it from Canada paying some money and bla bla.  I
don't have the necessity to complain because it was a gif, so my point is,
today I was looking in its internal file system and I found this funny
folder /System/Library/Carrier Bundles/iPhone, there are all the company
Carriers, the default Carrier in my iPhone is fido, and is there in that
folder too, So my local Carrier is CUBACEL and of course it is not in the
folder, but I have a friend who has an iPhone 4s already unlocked with
support for our local Carrier line, so I guess he has a CUBACEL Carrier in
the funny folder. So my question is there is someone of you which know
something about that, exist any programming way to unlock my iPhone 4, maybe
copying my friend's Carrier from the funny folder to my funny folder and do
maybe anther modification to some config xml file?


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