[erlang-questions] Configuring rebar across directories
Tuncer Ayaz
Tue Jun 18 17:41:22 CEST 2013
On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 5:02 PM, Juan Jose Comellas wrote:
> Tuncer, is there a reason why the rebar lib_dirs configuration
> setting only allows relative paths? Right now the function that
> expands these paths looks like this:
I'm not aware of any reason and I think you're the first to request
support for absolute paths.
> expand_lib_dirs([], _Root, Acc) ->
> Acc;
> expand_lib_dirs([Dir | Rest], Root, Acc) ->
> Apps = filelib:wildcard(filename:join([Dir, "*", "ebin"])),
> FqApps = [filename:join([Root, A]) || A <- Apps],
> expand_lib_dirs(Rest, Root, Acc ++ FqApps).
> Changing it to something like this would resolve this problem:
> expand_lib_dirs([], _Root, Acc) ->
> Acc;
> expand_lib_dirs([Dir | Rest], Root, Acc) ->
> Apps = filelib:wildcard(filename:join([Dir, "*", "ebin"])),
> FqApps = case filename:pathtype(Dir) of
> absolute -> Apps;
> relative -> [filename:join([Root, A]) || A <- Apps]
> end,
> expand_lib_dirs(Rest, Root, Acc ++ FqApps).
> Would this addition be accepted into rebar? I haven't created a pull
> request for this because I don't know what the rationale was for
> making these paths relative.
This looks reasonable to me, but I can't speak for Dave.
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