[erlang-questions] What are the differences between beam files produced by c(...) and erlc?

Max Lapshin max.lapshin@REDACTED
Sat Jun 15 18:27:59 CEST 2013

1> beam_lib:info("c_hello_world.beam").

2> beam_lib:info("erlc_hello_world.beam").

CInf are different.

6> {ok, {hello_world,[{"CInf",CHelloWorld}]}} =
beam_lib:chunks("c_hello_world.beam", ["CInf"]).
7> erlang:binary_to_term(CHelloWorld).

8> {ok, {hello_world,[{"CInf",ERLCHelloWorld}]}} =
beam_lib:chunks("erlc_hello_world.beam", ["CInf"]).
9> erlang:binary_to_term(ERLCHelloWorld).

So, here is the difference: erlc variant has different compile options
and include outdir.

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