[erlang-questions] edoc preformatted function specs

Dave Kuhlman dkuhlman@REDACTED
Fri Jan 18 04:29:26 CET 2013

I give edoc this:

-spec handle_incoming(
          State::#state{}) ->
      {noreply, NewState::#state{}} |
      {noreply, NewState::#state{}, Timeout::integer()} |
      {stop, Reason::string(), NewState::#state{}}.
%% @doc
%% Handle an incoming message to this service.
%% @end

And, it gives me what looks like this in the Web browser:


handle_incoming(ServiceURL::string(), WebSocket::pid(), SessionId::string(), Message::string(), State::#state{}) -> {noreply, NewState::#state{}} | {noreply, NewState::#state{}, Timeout::integer()} | {stop, Reason::string(), NewState::#state{}}

Handle an incoming message to this service.

which is rather difficult to read.

Is there some way to prevent edoc from causing function specs to word wrap?

I suspect that there is, because none of the erlang documentaion is wrapped
and mashed together like that.  But, I've done Web searches and looked for
flags and read the edoc docs.  And, I can't get a clue.

Thanks for help.

- Dave


Dave Kuhlman

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