[erlang-questions] Wx Erlang - wxStyledTextCtrl problem
Dan Gudmundsson
Mon Feb 18 10:57:39 CET 2013
Sounds like a wxWidgets bug, you can workaround it by explicitly ask
for mousestate.
On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 6:52 PM, Hosszú Gábor <gabre@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hello,
> I tried to write a code browser using wxStyledTextCtrl but I encountered a
> strange problem.
> I connected my wxStyledTextCtrl object to 'stc_doubleclick' because I need
> to know when the user double clicks (and I also need its position, etc...).
> When I tested my program I saw that on double click no position information
> was given, and every field of the received wxStyledText record was 0
> (anywhere I clicked):
> {wxStyledText,stc_doubleclick,0,0,0,0,[],0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,[],
> false,1}
> The Wx/Scintilla documentation states the following (in section
> 'Notifications'):
> The mouse button was double clicked in editor. The position field is set to
> the text position of the double click, the line field is set to the line of
> the double click, and the modifiers field is set to the key modifiers held
> down in a similar manner to SCN_KEY.
> My question/problem is that why the fields aren't set? Is this a bug?
> Thanks, and best regards,
> Gabor Hosszu
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