[erlang-questions] MongoDB EnsureIndex

Evren Bayraktar evrenweb@REDACTED
Tue Feb 12 10:50:18 CET 2013

Hi everyone,

Is there a any one who uses emongo or another library to use mongodb in
erlang ? I couldn't use ensureindex property with emongo. I don't know
whether  it is possible or not :)

I saw ensure_index function in this file (
https://github.com/JacobVorreuter/emongo/blob/master/src/emongo.erl ) then
used it but it always gets ok.

Actually, I want to use Mongo's Geospatial property with erlang. Thats why
I guess, I need to use ensureIndex. If there is any other method to use
geospatial search in Erlang I can use it.

Best Regards !
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