[erlang-questions] Erlang Factory SF Bay Area: Very Early Bird tickets released on Monday

Andra Dinu andra.dinu@REDACTED
Fri Dec 13 21:28:03 CET 2013

Hi all,

Just to let you know that on Monday 16 December 2013, after 12:00 PST we will release a batch of 40 tickets at the Very Early Bird rate of $890.  

The new and improved website for the Erlang Factory San Francisco Bay Area is coming out on Monday, and it will feature a first batch of over 20 speakers. 
Among them:

*​José Valim, author of the Elixir programming language and writer for Pragmatic Programmers will deliver one of the keynotes
*Bruce Tate, author of 'Seven Languages in Seven Weeks' talking about getting more out of Elixir pipes
*Rick Reed, software engineer at WhatsApp, will describe the challenges of scaling the Erlang/FreeBSD-based server infrastructure at WhatsApp for billions of smartphones
*Brett Cameron, senior software architect with HP’s corporate Cloud Services group talking on RabbitMQ, telematics and real-time 
*Erik Stenman, chief scientist at Klarna, will talk about the ERTS Scheduler 
*Duncan McGregor, senior manager at Rackspace, will take you on a tour of LFE - a full-fledged language running on the Erlang VM 
*Bob Ippolito, founder and former CTO of Mochi Media and author of several open source Erlang projects such as mochiweb. Intro to Haskell for Erlangers

Keep an eye on this space: http://www.erlang-factory.com/conference/SFBay2014


Andra Dinu
Community & Social 

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