[erlang-questions] strange result of lists:map(fun(X)-> 20*X end, [2, 4, 6, 8]).

Tue Dec 3 16:13:42 CET 2013


I am a beginner,  and I got some strange result like this :

1> L=[2,4,6,8].
2> lists:map(fun(X)-> 20*X end,L).
3> lists:map(fun(X)-> 21*X end,L).
4> lists:map(fun(X)-> 27*X end,L).
5> lists:map(fun(X)-> 28*X end,L).
6> lists:map(fun(X)-> 29*X end,L).
7> lists:map(fun(X)-> 30*X end,L).
8> lists:map(fun(X)-> 31*X end,L).
9> lists:map(fun(X)-> 32*X end,L).
10> lists:map(fun(X)-> 22*X end,L).
11> lists:map(fun(X)-> 23*X end,L).
12> lists:map(fun(X)-> 24*X end,L).
13> lists:map(fun(X)-> 25*X end,L).
14> lists:map(fun(X)-> 26*X end,L).
15> lists:map(fun(X)-> 27*X end,L).

Erlang R16B02 (erts-5.10.3) [smp:2:2] [async-threads:10]
Eshell V5.10.3 (abort with ^G)
Windows Vista

Can someone help me ?

Thanks a lot !

best regards.

hope@REDACTED  2013.12.03

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