[erlang-questions] lager and dynamic log cutting via compiled module

Ulf Wiger ulf@REDACTED
Sat Aug 24 17:45:09 CEST 2013

The loglevel check is done using mochiglobal:

%% @doc Set the loglevel for a particular backend.
set_loglevel(Handler, Level) when is_atom(Level) ->
    Reply = gen_event:call(lager_event, Handler, {set_loglevel, Level}, infinity),
    %% recalculate min log level
    MinLog = minimum_loglevel(get_loglevels()),
    {_, Traces} = lager_mochiglobal:get(loglevel),
    lager_mochiglobal:put(loglevel, {MinLog, Traces}),

Basho switched to an ets table in this pull request:


"Replace mochiglobal with a public ETS table

This also removes the dependency on the syntax_tools and compiler
applications, which interfered with lager's startup/shutdown order.

I've benchmarked this with logbench, and performance doesn't seem to differ significantly from the mochiglobal version, and has much less baggage associated with it."

Ulf W

On 24 Aug 2013, at 17:17, Max Lapshin <max.lapshin@REDACTED> wrote:

> It is not so clear for me: do you generate a proxy module on config loading or you make a parse_transform of code that uses lager:debug(..) ?

Ulf Wiger, Co-founder & Developer Advocate, Feuerlabs Inc.

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