[erlang-questions] ErlExec stdin and other questions

OvermindDL1 overminddl1@REDACTED
Wed Aug 7 09:36:21 CEST 2013

Created a complete test-case example of my issue with erlexec, and I ran
this same script on 3 different computers running variations of debian
versions.  Feel free to toss in application:start(sasl), at the top of the
erlang script area if you wish, and yes the (minecraft) server software
uses stderr instead of stdout, no I do not know why, and yes as you can see
it does not return anything to the erlang system until it is killed on all
the systems I tested.  Using Erlang's ports you get each line as a message
as that is how the server flushes it and it is instant.

Yes it is ugly, but it is pared down from what it grew from and no need to
re-do the receive's better in such a test.

[ -d erlexec ] || git clone https://github.com/saleyn/erlexec.git

cd erlexec

rebar compile

[ -f 'minecraft_server.1.6.2.jar' ] || wget '

erl -pa $PWD/ebin -eval '
{_, P, _} = exec:run_link("java -Xms1G -Xmx1G -jar
minecraft_server.1.6.2.jar nogui", [{stdout, self()}, {stderr, self()}]),
receive A0 -> io:format("Message ~p: ~p~n", [now(), A0]) after 1000 ->
io:format("timeout ~p~n", [now()]) end,
receive A1 -> io:format("Message ~p: ~p~n", [now(), A1]) after 1000 ->
io:format("timeout ~p~n", [now()]) end,
receive A2 -> io:format("Message ~p: ~p~n", [now(), A2]) after 1000 ->
io:format("timeout ~p~n", [now()]) end,
receive A3 -> io:format("Message ~p: ~p~n", [now(), A3]) after 1000 ->
io:format("timeout ~p~n", [now()]) end,
receive A4 -> io:format("Message ~p: ~p~n", [now(), A4]) after 1000 ->
io:format("timeout ~p~n", [now()]) end,
receive A5 -> io:format("Message ~p: ~p~n", [now(), A5]) after 1000 ->
io:format("timeout ~p~n", [now()]) end,
receive A6 -> io:format("Message ~p: ~p~n", [now(), A6]) after 1000 ->
io:format("timeout ~p~n", [now()]) end,
receive A7 -> io:format("Message ~p: ~p~n", [now(), A7]) after 1000 ->
io:format("timeout ~p~n", [now()]) end,
receive A8 -> io:format("Message ~p: ~p~n", [now(), A8]) after 1000 ->
io:format("timeout ~p~n", [now()]) end,
receive A9 -> io:format("Message ~p: ~p~n", [now(), A9]) after 1000 ->
io:format("timeout ~p~n", [now()]) end,
receive A10 -> io:format("Message ~p: ~p~n", [now(), A10]) after 1000 ->
io:format("timeout ~p~n", [now()]) end,
receive A11 -> io:format("Message ~p: ~p~n", [now(), A11]) after 1000 ->
io:format("timeout ~p~n", [now()]) end,
receive A12 -> io:format("Message ~p: ~p~n", [now(), A12]) after 1000 ->
io:format("timeout ~p~n", [now()]) end,
receive A13 -> io:format("Message ~p: ~p~n", [now(), A13]) after 1000 ->
io:format("timeout ~p~n", [now()]) end,
receive A14 -> io:format("Message ~p: ~p~n", [now(), A14]) after 1000 ->
io:format("timeout ~p~n", [now()]) end,
exec:kill(P, 9),
receive A15 -> io:format("Message ~p: ~p~n", [now(), A15]) after 1000 ->
io:format("timeout ~p~n", [now()]) end,
receive A16 -> io:format("Message ~p: ~p~n", [now(), A16]) after 1000 ->
io:format("timeout ~p~n", [now()]) end,
receive A17 -> io:format("Message ~p: ~p~n", [now(), A17]) after 1000 ->
io:format("timeout ~p~n", [now()]) end,
receive A18 -> io:format("Message ~p: ~p~n", [now(), A18]) after 1000 ->
io:format("timeout ~p~n", [now()]) end,
receive A19 -> io:format("Message ~p: ~p~n", [now(), A19]) after 1000 ->
io:format("timeout ~p~n", [now()]) end,
receive A20 -> io:format("Message ~p: ~p~n", [now(), A20]) after 1000 ->
io:format("timeout ~p~n", [now()]) end,
receive A21 -> io:format("Message ~p: ~p~n", [now(), A21]) after 1000 ->
io:format("timeout ~p~n", [now()]) end,
receive A22 -> io:format("Message ~p: ~p~n", [now(), A22]) after 1000 ->
io:format("timeout ~p~n", [now()]) end,
receive A23 -> io:format("Message ~p: ~p~n", [now(), A23]) after 1000 ->
io:format("timeout ~p~n", [now()]) end,
receive A24 -> io:format("Message ~p: ~p~n", [now(), A24]) after 1000 ->
io:format("timeout ~p~n", [now()]) end,

On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 10:49 PM, OvermindDL1 <overminddl1@REDACTED> wrote:

> Excepting this, is there any other better way to launch a program as
> another user?  I might just use ssh certs and ssh to localhost if not
> unless any other ideas?
> On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 4:22 AM, OvermindDL1 <overminddl1@REDACTED> wrote:
>> I have been attempting to use ErlExec as I noticed that it had a few new
>> features added six days ago to forward the stdout/stderr to an Erlang PID,
>> however I am having some issue.  The process that erlexec runs occasionally
>> does not die when the Erlang VM dies, thus keeping it and its children
>> running.
>> Also I need a way to send commands back to the children, but I am either
>> not seeing a command for that or have not figured out the format to send a
>> message, which is difficult because of the main issue I have, when I have
>> it launch a fairly large server software (that is not a daemon for whatever
>> reason, hence why I am wrapping it), the Erlang shell seems to lose a great
>> deal of input that I type in, only catching from every 1 in 4 I type to 1
>> in 400 characters I type, and it does not seem to matter based on the speed
>> I hit keys or holding a key or anything of the sort, just purely on
>> keypress down, and it remains like that until I kill the child process that
>> I started through erlexec.
>> Using the normal Erlang Ports works fine and has no such issues (other
>> than the child not coming down with the VM either and no direct kill
>> command when the child hangs, which it occasionally does, but os:cmd("kill
>> ...") works around that well enough.
>> Is ErlExec stable enough for high use?  Or am I doing something wrong?
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