[erlang-questions] Undefined type ''Gauge32''? Is SNMPv2-SMI prebuilt into Erlang SNMP MIB Compiler ?

Anish Parameswaran anishparameswaran@REDACTED
Sun Apr 28 10:08:54 CEST 2013

Hi everyone,

I am trying to compile  an   MIB file  using  erlang  SNMP MIB compiler.
However  the following error is preventing  the compilation

MY-TRAP-MIB.mib: 29: Undefined type ''Gauge32''

The compilation  command is
  erlc +'{group_check,false}'  -I .  MY-TRAP-MIB.mib

The files in current folder
   MY-TRAP-MIB.mib  OTP-MIB.bin  OTP-REG.bin  OTP-TC.bin

The MY-TRAP-MIB.mib   is a modified version from

The file  MY-TRAP-MIB.mib is atatched.

If i remove  the testG32 (Guage32) object from the file , it compiles

R16 Documentation tells  that SNMPv2-SMI is prebuilt in Erlang SNMP
compiler. See Importing MIBs section at

I tried this with Erlang releases  R14B and R16A .

Any help is highly appreciated.

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