[erlang-questions] USB driver Interface

Omer Kilic omer.kilic@REDACTED
Fri Apr 26 00:32:00 CEST 2013

Hi Gokul,

On (25/04/2013 21:10), Gokul Evuri wrote:
> Due to some reasons, now we are looking for developed opensource libraries.
> If any one have/working on Erlang interface to access USB devices, to
> share, that would be really helpful.

You don't mention what kind of USB devices you are interfacing with so 
not entirely sure what sort of library you are looking for but there are 
two cases:

   - Devices that use raw USB protocol or generic USB classes such HID: 
You probably want to use libusb to talk to these devices. A quick search 
on "libusb erlang" returns [1] from Tony's Github account.

   - Devices that expose themselves via virtual serial ports: This is 
pretty common these days and you can use any UART library to talk to 
these devices. Again, Tony has an Erlang UART library[2] you should look at.


[1] https://github.com/tonyrog/libusb
[2] https://github.com/tonyrog/uart

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