[erlang-questions] Listen to SSL and normal TCP connections on the same port
pablo platt
Wed Apr 17 23:27:21 CEST 2013
Thank you for the suggestions.
What Tony suggests looks like what I was trying to do.
What I'm trying to do is proxy HTTPS and RTMP/S on the same port.
Corporate firewalls sometimes allow SSL or even normal HTTP or TCP pass on
port 443 because they assume it is secure.
I couldn't find a proxy server like SQUID or haproxy that can separate RTMP
from HTTP so I thought I'll use erlang for that.
Currently I have nginx infront of cowboy but if I'll put cowboy in the
front I won't be able to use nginx for serving static files.
Is there a light proxy I can put infront of nginx to separate RTMP from
HTTP so I'll be able to pass RTMP requests to the media server (oms) and
the HTTP requests to nginx?
nginx will serve static files and cowboy the dynamic requests.
On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 11:15 AM, Tony Rogvall <tony@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hi!
> In general it is not possible to detect and upgrade a socket to ssl, BUT
> if the client initiate with some
> known message data that can be distinguished from the SSL hello message,
> like HTTP requests then
> you can do something like (I have, and it works :-):
> The socket should already be in {packet,0} packet mode, set
> {active,false}, {packet,0} in the options to listen.
> Then either read in passive mode:
> {ok,Header} = gen_tcp:recv(Socket, MinHeaderBlockSize), %% say 8 bytes ?
> Or something like this in active once mode
> inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]), %% not easy to control the number
> of bytes received here yet (there is an EEP!)
> Header =
> receive
> {tcp, Socket, Header} -> ok
> end
> Then do a match on the data that the client normally send with some known
> SSL intro messages:
> Type = detect(Header),
> detect(<<"GET", _/binary>>) -> plain;
> detect(<<"POST", _/binary>>) -> plain;
> detect(<<"OPTIONS", _/binary>>) -> plain;
> detect(<<"TRACE", _/binary>>) -> plain;
> ...
> detect(<<1:1,_Len:15,1:8,_Version:16, _/binary>>) -> ssl;
> detect(<<ContentType:8, _Version:16, _Length:16, _/binary>>) ->
> if ContentType == 22 -> %% HANDSHAKE
> ssl;
> true ->
> undefined
> end;
> detect(_) ->
> undefined.
> Then switch to ssl if that was detected:
> if Type =:= ssl ->
> %% Socket MUST be in passive mode at this point
> gen_tcp:unrecv(Socket, Header), %% push back SSL data
> {ok, SSLSocket} = ssl:ssl_accept(Socket, SSLOptions, SSLAcceptTimeout),
> do_ssl_request(SSLSocket);
> true ->
> do_plain_request(Socket)
> end
> /Tony
> On 17 apr 2013, at 09:41, Ingela Andin <ingela.andin@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hi!
> 2013/4/17 pablo platt <pablo.platt@REDACTED>
>> Hi,
>> Is it possible to accept SSL connections and normal TCP connections on
>> the same port?
>> Maybe accept normal TCP connections. If the connection is SSL connection
>> pass it to the ssl module and if it is a normal TCP connection just handle
>> the socket.
> It is possible to upgrade a tcp socket to an ssl socket.
> If it is possible, how can I distinct SSL from non SSL connections?
> That is the hard part. You must have some scheme to negotiate the upgrade
> with the client over plain tcp. (Like STARTTLS, HTTP Connect etc)
>> How can I pass the socket to the ssl module?
> ssl:ssl_accept(TcpSocket, SslOptions) or ssl:connect(TcpSocket,
> SslOptions)
> make sure the socket is passive ({active, false}) before you make the call.
> Regards Ingela Erlang/OTP team Ericsson AB
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