[erlang-questions] [ANN] Contract job offer

just me me@REDACTED
Tue Apr 16 12:11:03 CEST 2013

(forwarding for a friend)

Good morning all,

Firstly I apologise for my approach to this mailing list, however if one
needs, one must ask.

I am currently working with a very renowned and innovative mobile/network
provider in the UK, on a 6 month contract based in central London. The
client are looking for Erlang Developers (4 in total).

I would be very interested to hear from any such developers who are
interested in a fantastic project with handsome rates.
Please do feel free to contact me directly on 0207 928 2525 or
hugo.deburghmound@REDACTED / hdeburghmound@REDACTED

Again apologise for this approach.

Kindest regards,
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