[erlang-questions] Mysql Query builder lib in Erlang?
Vineet Naik
Tue Apr 2 14:19:51 CEST 2013
On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 5:29 PM, Dmitry Kolesnikov <dmkolesnikov@REDACTED>wrote:
> Hi,
> I've made Erlang port of whiskers.js template library
> https://github.com/fogfish/swirl
> as a side effect is become a client-side SQL query template builder, which
> I've started to use for my project.
> Here is a small example:
> swirl:c(mysql, "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE id={id}").
> mysql:render([{id, "xxx"}]).
> "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE id=xxx"
This is an interesting approach but not exactly what I am looking for.
I am searching for an alternative to writing raw queries in code.
I have one idea ie. to express the query may be using tuples and lists. and
have a
set of functions transform it to sql. Not sure if this will make things
more complicated
though :-) but it's just an idea.
> - Dmitry
> On Apr 2, 2013, at 2:47 PM, Vineet Naik <naikvin@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a mysql query builder library for Erlang? On some searching,
> I came across boss_db[1] which is an ORM. While I am open to ORMs and
> planning to give it a try, I would prefer a simple query builder
> [1]: https://github.com/evanmiller/boss_db
> Regards,
> Vineet
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