[erlang-questions] [erlang-bugs] bug in code:lib_dir

Serge Aleynikov serge@REDACTED
Tue Sep 18 13:57:32 CEST 2012


When I wrote the code supporting ERL_LIBS that got included in the code
server (*), it was explicitly designed to iteratively check for paths
only containing "ebin" child directories (see the
code_server:get_user_lib_dirs_1/0) before adding them to the loader
path.  Therefore I wouldn't consider the behavior you mentioned to be a
bug but rather a feature.

Initially I wrote it in a way that checked for directories containing
"*.app" files, and included those.  However, I found cases when certain
libraries didn't come with "*.app" files, but merely contained
"ebin/*.beam" bytecode files, so the ebin directory checking was more
reliable and conventional.

In your case, since 'b' application doesn't seem to have neither b.app
nor b/ebin.  Should it be considered a valid code path (there's nothing
to load for the code server)?  If so, what is the right selection
criteria that would avoid bloating the loader's path?


(*) http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/doc/R12B/lib/kernel-2.12.3/doc/html/notes.html

On 9/18/2012 4:14 AM, Joe Armstrong wrote:
>   > code:lib_dir(b)
>    {error,bad_name}
> Fails if the b sub-directory does not contain an ebin directory.
> This means things like include_lib("b/include/foo.hrl") will fail
> even though the file b/include/foo.hrl exists.
> Suppose I have a directory structure like this:
>      /home/joe/deps/a/src
>                      /include
>                      /ebin
>                    /b/src
>                      /include/foo.hrl
> a and b are Erlang applications - note that b has no ebin directory
> Then I say
>     > export ERL_LIBS=/home/joe/deps
>     > erl
> Then
>    > code:lib_dir(a).
>    "/home/joe/deps/a/"
> But
>    > code:lib_dir(b)
>    {error,bad_name}
> Now suppose a.erl contains the line
>   -include_lib("b/include/foo.hrl")
>   I'll now get an error. The code server calls lib_dib(b) to resolve
> the file name
> reference. This fails and the system concludes (incorrectly) that
> b/include/foo.hrl does not
> exist.
>   If I add an empty ebin directory to b then the error goes away.
>   If you create src, ebin, include directories by hand you will never
> see this error.
>   But if you use rebar then the ebin directory is not created when you do
>   > rebar create-app appid=<name>
>   The ebin directory is created when you first run rebar compile.
>   So recursive includes (a includes b/include and b includes
> a/include) can possibly
>   fail if no ebin directory is created.
> Cheers
> /Joe
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