[erlang-questions] [ANN] Kucumberl, an erlang implementation of cucumber

Roberto Majadas Lopez roberto.majadas@REDACTED
Fri Nov 30 13:08:10 CET 2012

2012/11/29 Tom Janssens <d4skunk@REDACTED>

> You could probably add guard classes to your step definitions like this:
> given("a (.*)",[blah]) when blah > 10 ..
> Not sure if it would provide any actual use or not... So maybe you should
> ignore that part ;)

this behavour should be already in kucumberl, but there isn't any example.



> Nevertheless, great approach!
> Op donderdag 29 november 2012 12:29:42 UTC+1 schreef Roberto Majadas Lopez
> het volgende:
>> Thanks!
>> What do you mean with "examples with guard clauses" ?
>> Roberto
>> 2012/11/29 Tom Janssens <d4s...@REDACTED>
>> Looks great! I would consider adding examples with guard clauses as well,
>>> as that might be the killer feature of erlang step definitions!
>>> Op woensdag 28 november 2012 17:45:22 UTC+1 schreef Roberto Majadas
>>> Lopez het volgende:
>>>> Hi, list.
>>>> We've just released Kucumberl, a Cucumber[1] implementation for erlang.
>>>> It's a tool for running automated acceptance tests written in a Behavior
>>>> Driven Development (BDD) style.
>>>> This code is released under an apache 2.0 license. All comments, code
>>>> or issues are welcome.
>>>> https://github.com/openshine/**k**ucumberl<https://github.com/openshine/kucumberl>
>>>> Happy hacking
>>>> Roberto
>>>> [1] http://cukes.info/
>> --
>> Roberto Majadas
>> OpenShine S.L
>> email : roberto...@REDACTED
>> tlf : +34 663 273 501
>> www.openshine.com

Roberto Majadas
OpenShine S.L

email : roberto.majadas@REDACTED
tlf : +34 663 273 501

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